Everthing is going to be different now....

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(Y/n)'s POV

I sat on my bed, my open suitcases on the floor, half packed.
For once at the end of the school year, I didn't want to go home.

Everything was going to be different now, and I'm not sure I'm strong enough to handle it.
Not alone anyways.

*knock knock*

"Come on (Y/n)! The train won't wait!"

Draco's voice echoed around my silent room.
'Good, want the train to leave without me'

I slumped back onto my bed with a groan. I can't escape going home.

I've got to face my past so I can accept my future.

Begrudgingly, I quickly finished packing and opened the door to be met with the worried face of my boyfriend.

"Well we better not miss it!" I say with the fakest smile I can do.

- Time skip brought to you by Pennywise the Dancing Clown *Beep beep Richie 😈 -

When we arrived outside Hogwarts, the three schools saying their goodbyes.

Shortly after, the Pegasus Carriage flew away and the giant wooden ship sunk into the ocean.

I could see the Golden trio have a sort of moment up ahead and debated if I should go and talk to them.

'No, they probably don't want anything to do with me now'
I sighed and slowly caught up with Draco, Sasha and Blaise, heading towards the train.

Harry's POV

Ron, Hermione and I were heading for the train.

"We're never going to have a quiet year are we?" Ron sighed with a smile.

I laughed in agreement, sure the road ahead looks dangerous and unknowing but at least I wasn't alone.

"Poor (Y/n), if I was her, I wouldn't go home" Hermione sighed, gazing at the (H/c) girl up a head.

'(Y/n has always been there for us, even when we turned against her....so I wasn't going to reject her over something she can't control, she is family after all'

"We will all be okay, as long as we have each other" the both smiled at me.

{ Little Extra Scene}

(Y/n)'s POV

The train dragged to London, but we eventually got there.
I listened to none of the conversation the others were having.

Draco held my hand out onto the platform. It didn't take long for his father came over with a shit eating grin on his face.....creepy.

"(Y/n), you're to come to our mansion tonight, for obvious reasons"

While Draco seamed pleaded that I get to stay over with him, I was just pleased I didn't have to go home.

The road ahead was unpredictable......

Newt protect me.

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