Chapter 1

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In the Evil Hockey Players' Society Headquarters at night, all the bad guys are gathered around the meeting table, talking and eating doughnuts.
"OMG, you guys, did you see the new movie?" Kari Lehtonen asks excitedly.
"Wha new movieh? I uh love new moviesh!" Claude Giroux says.
Kari quickly takes a bite of his doughnut. "The One Direction movie! This Is Us!"
Everyone gawks at Kari.
"Whaaa? I loved it! And them!" Kari smiles and looks at the ceiling.
"Okay, okay, Kari, thank you very much for that update, but we--"
"And, and I got this!" Kari holds up a goalie stick with One Direction's faces and symbol on it, interrupting Jimmy Howard's sentence.
"Pfft! What a stick! Look at mine!" Ryan Miller holds up a goalie stick with Hello Kitty on it.
"Hello Kitty? Really?" Kari raises his eyebrows. "1D's waaaay better!"
"No! No, no, no--"
"That's enough, Ryan and Kari," Jimmy says, interrupting Ryan.
Silence fills the air for a moment.
"One Direction's better," Kari whispers to Ryan.
"No, Hello Kitty is," Ryan whispers back to Kari.
"Okay. Master Howard, what do you want to discuss with us?" Carey Price asks Jimmy.
"How to take over Niemi and company with only the five of us!!!" Jimmy slams his fist on the table.
"Geez, Jimmy, all we got to do is to get another person!" Giroux tells Jimmy.
"But who?!"
Silence falls over them again.
"Ooo! Ooo!" Kari raises his hand like he was at school. "Let me check with my sports cards!" He takes out a pack of Sports Illustrated Kids cards from his pocket and starts going through them. "Uh...let's about this guy?" Kari holds up a card of Patrick Sharp.
"He looks like a good guy," Jimmy tells Kari.
"Oh, okay." Kari puts the card to aside and begins to search for more people. "Let's see...ummm...OHHH!!! Who's that guy? Who's that guy? It''s..." Kari holds up a card of him. "!"
Everyone gives Kari a serious look.
"Okay..." Kari puts his card of him into his pocket and begins to flip through some more cards. "What about...Ho, ho, ho, look at what, or should I say who, we have here..." Kari holds up a card with an evil smile. "...Tuukka Rask."
Everyone gasps.
"Oh my gosh...," Carey says.
"Jimmeh, why didn' we ever thought've recruitin' 'im before?" Giroux asks.
"I completely forgot about him...."
" it a yes?" Kari asks, still holding up the card.
Jimmy smiles. "Ryan, Carey, go to Boston and bring Rask over here."
"Alright, let's go!" Ryan stands up.
"And do it quick!" Jimmy tells them.
Carey stands up. "Yes, Master Howard!"
Ryan and Carey walk out of the room.
"Okay guys, let's continue looking for other guys," says Jimmy.

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