Chapter 20

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Back at the NHL HQs, Evgeni is translating Jimmy's words to Russian, telling Sergei what to do.
While Sergei and clicking and typing away, Jimmy is in the back of the room, getting all excited.
"Oh yes, oh yes! Finally, the NHL is now gonna be mine! All mine! Yesss!" Jimmy says excitedly, but quietly.
Ryan comes into the room. "Ummm...Jimmy?"
Jimmy looks at Ryan, irritated. "Ryan! Get back to your post!"
"There's something wrong..."
"Nothing can't be wrong right now-- I'm about to get the NHL!"
"Well, I can't find our fellow Finnish friends."
"Names, please?"
"Kari Lehtonen and Tuukka Rask," Ryan answers flatly.
"Oh yes, I forgot about Rask, and Kari's suppose to be here..."
"I looked everywhere in the building, but he's nowhere to be found."
"Hm...interesting. Look again." Jimmy turns back to the Russians.
Ryan storms out of the room and grumbles, "I'll videotape my hunting of that fangirl so that you would help me!"

Meanwhile outside of the EHP HQs in Detroit, Sidney, Jonathan, Pekka, and Martin are trying to find a way to get in.
"These doors are pretty tough." Martin knocks on one of the medal doors. "Where did they get 'em from?"
Sidney shrugs. "I dunno-- Home Depot?"
One of the doors open and a group of loud people stroll out.
"A door's open!" Pekka exclaims. "I'll get it!" He runs quickly and saves it from closing on them.
They all walk inside the building.
"I seems empty," Jonathan points out.
Music vibrates from the walls.
"I hear music, though," Sidney says.
"I hear it, too," Pekka tells them.
"It must be coming from the main room," Martin guesses. "-- Let's go!"
They follow the music to the entrance of the main room. There's a party in the room with loud techno music, colorful, flashing lights, lots of people, and loud chatting.
"Well, who didn't invite me to the party?" Martin asks.
Henrik comes up to them with a huge grin plastered on his face. "Welcome to my Swedish party!"
A bunch of confetti explodes behind him and a bunch of people cheer.
"Errr...hey there, Henrik." Sidney gives him a small wave.
"Would you like a drink?" He points behind him towards the party. "I have plenty."
"No thanks," Jonathan answers quickly.
"Would you like to dance with the ladies?"
"No, no." Pekka shakes his head.
"We're looking for Jimmy Howard," Martin tells Henrik.
"Oh...Jimmy?" Henrik randomly laughs. "He's somewhere in..." He waves his hand lazily in the air. "...I dunno, outer space."
"He's not here," Sidney whispers to Jonathan.
"Who's not here?" Jonathan whispers back.
"Jimmy...and Henrik."
"Maybe Kari's here," Pekka tells Sidney and Jonathan. "He likes these types of parties."
"Okay then, so you and Martin--" Sidney turns around, seeing that Martin is no longer with them. "Martin? Where are you?" He turns around and sees Martin walking away with Henrik into the party.
"Well, there goes Martin," Jonathan says.
" then, Pekka, you look here and Jonathan and I will look in the rest of the building. Okay?"
"Kyllä!" Pekka answers. (Yes!)
"Oh no...Finnish..." Jonathan says worriedly.
"Yes, yes, I agree... Let us go," Pekka says.

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