~chapter 1

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The flight landed in Mumbai. All the passengers starts making their way to checking counter. A family taking their luggage walks out of the airport and removes their sunglasses out. They inhaled fresh air whereas the elder couple had beautiful smile seeing Mumbai. The elder couple looks at their son  who was roaming his eyes around the airport.

The family who have just arrived to India from Uk is none than Murthy's family. Raman Murthy looks at his wife who was gleaning in happiness seeing the Mumbai once again. Why wouldn't happiness flow in their body. Mumbai is the place where they both had some many memories together. They met in Mumbai and fell in love.

Raman slowly slides his hands around ishita's waist and pecks her forehead making her smile. Ishita leans to his chest and content smile playing on her lips.

Raman withdrew his hands back as he heard someone coughing. Raman turns his head side way and saw his son giving him teasing smile.

Raman passed a glare to his son who wasn't affected but wraps his arms around his mother and pecks her cheek to make his father jealous.

Ishita chuckles seeing her husband getting jealous from his own son. She couldn't hold it but kissed her son cheek.

Ishita: my boy! Love you abhi!

Abhi smirks gazing at Raman who was ready to punch abhi for this act but before that abhi pecking Ishita's cheek withdrew his arms back and stood at one distance from Raman.

Abhi : amma I love you too.

He blew a flying to kiss ishita to make Raman more angry.

Ishita acts to caught and spoke before Raman who could pounce on abhi.

Ishita: Raman where is our princess? Abhi do you know where are they?

Raman and abhi freaks out and becomes overprotective towards their princess. They roams their eyes around and starts calling their name when someone jumped on Raman backs from back. Raman turns to his princess who smiling at Raman  while wrapping her  hands around his  neck.

Raman smiles and pulls his princess hand pulling it in front and pecks her forehead.

Raman : where did you go avni princess? Didn't I inform you to stay close with us? You could have got lost in the new city?

Avni  held her both ears and gave her puppy to Raman who melted.

Avni : sorry appa!

Raman : next time don't do it again.

Avni nodded her head and moves to abhi who was gazing her with smile. She moves to him and threw her arms around his shoulder and snuggles to his chest. Abhi smiles and pecks her forehead.

Abhi : where did you and baby doll go?

As the realisation strikes to abhi he slightly pulls avni side side and worriedly looks at her who was biting her lips and looking down. He lifts her chin up.

Abhi : where is baby doll?

Avni : abhi! Nandu is just coming. She went to use washroom.

Abhi : alone? Miss malthora why didn't you tag along with baby doll?

He yelled at her making her step back. Even ishita and Raman looks at them.

Avni shuttered herself and opened her mouth to speak up but before that they heard a sweet and smoothing voice behind avni.

Person : Excuse me why the hell you scolding my best friend?

All of them turns around and saw Nandini Murthy throwing glare to abhi who composing himself rushed to her and pulls in her in hug making everyone shock.

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