~chapter 10

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Nandini woke up not finding her husband warmth beside her. She worriedly sat up resting her head to headboard. She picks her phone from the side table and was about to dial Manik's number but stopped seeing his message.

'Good morning love, don't freak out not finding me beside you. I had to leave because I have meeting in the morning. I will see you in office today. Now like good girl get up and fresh up. Please have your breakfast before coming to work. I have already told abhi about that. If I find out you skipping breakfast then be ready to face the monster of yours. Yes I love you, love. See you soon.'

Nandini smiles widely keeping her phone back on the side table but this time plugs to charge. Nandini tying her hair in messy bun climbs down the bed slipping slippers on.

Nandini walking to her closet pulls out her work clothes for the day. She then grabbing her undergarments went to washroom.

Nandini fulfilling her husband wish pampers herself before walking out the washroom. Nandini slips the bathrobe down of her body and she starts wearing her office work outfit.

Nandini stood in front of the mirror and taking few make up bag out applied minimal make up on. Nandini curls her hair from the bottom and leaves open.

Nandini took one of her favourite brand of lipstick and applies. She rubbed lips together and smiles seeing herself in the mirror. Nandini opening the last drawer took out a watch and Manik's favourite cologne which she loves a lot.

Nandini giving herself last glance in the mirror moves to grab her phone and handbag. Nandini taking her blazer in one hand and in other hand her bag walks out of the room.

( Nandini's outfit)

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( Nandini's outfit)

Nandini descends down the stairs and saw abhi and Raman sitting in the living hall. Nandini walks to them and placing the things from the behind kissed Raman cheek and wished him good morning.

Nandini : good morning appa.

Raman : good morning princess. All ready for the new experience.

Nandini nods and hugs abhi who smiles and hugs her back pecking her head.

Abhi : good morning baby doll.

Nandini: good morning Bhai! Can you drop me to mani's office?

Abhi : baby doll unfortunately I can't but I have some good news for you.

Nandini : what Bhai?

Abhi smiles and took something from his pocket and placed it on Nandini's palm. Nandini sequels in happiness seeing the car key. She jumped on abhi and hugs him tightly making abhi and Raman chuckle seeing their princess antics.

Nandini: thank you so much Bhai.. oh my god. I will have my own car in India too. Omg Bhai.. I love you so much for this.

Ishita who was in kitchen comes out and found Nandini jumping like a bunny. She smiles brightly and moves to them knowing abhi gave the key to Nandini.

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