~chapter 6

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In malthora mansion,

Manik exhaustedly leans back to his chair and closed his eyes for a minute. His eyes shot open as the door flung opens of the study room. He was shocked to found Nandini there.

He straightened himself as he felt Nandini approaching towards him.

Manik : lo...love..

He shutters as Nandini crossing her arms against her chest gives a hard look to Manik.

Nandini : what should I do with you Mr malthora? How do you always manage to make me angry?

Manik : what did I do now?

He asked innocently knowing he has waken up the devil inside of his wife.

Nandini: this what you ask me. ' what did I do now'.

Nandini grits her teeth as she mocked his words making Manik rolls his eyes at her.

Nandini: I want you ass in the room in 2 minutes. If I don't see you there then trust me you would find yourself in this room more often.

Nandini glaring and cursing Manik stormed out of the study room.

Manik chuckles as he stood up and ran to his room. He walks in and saw Nandini glaring him.

Manik : are we going to fight what happened yesterday?

Nandini: Manik malthora don't remind me what you and your dearest sister did? You have few hours in your hand so stop fussing over and rest. I will deal with you tomorrow morning. You better don't expect me cuddling or loving you because you deserve those at all after what you did.

Manik : why am I getting punished something I never did?

Nandini: Mr malthora you are wasting your time.

Manik : fine! Can I at least hug you and sleep?

Nandini: absolutely no! Not after the stunt you just pulled. Make yourself comfortable on the bed.

Manik : I knew it you would sleep with me.. you can't stay angry with me for too long..

He moves to and tried touching her but Nandini took a step back.

Nandini: when did I say that i will be sleeping with you Mr malthora?

Manik : huh? Where will you sleep then?

Nandini: it shouldn't concern you. Get some sleep.

Nandini left the room leaving shock Manik. He wanted to follow her but knowing his wife he didn't dare.

Manik sighs and sadly laid down and closed his eyes. Manik tossed side of the bed but couldn't get sleep.

Next morning, Manik rubbing his eyes got up. He hardly got any sleep. His eyes were still fatigue and drowsy. His eyes had dark circle due to lack of sleep. He groans as he stretched his muscles.

Manik getting down the bed went to washroom. As he went washroom his room door wide opens.

Nandini entering to their room went straight to closet. She took Manik's formal clothes out and kept on bed with tie, handkerchief and shocks. She then moving to dressing table opening the side drawer took one of his favourite brand watch out.

She puts his phone on charging as she found it low. She then made the bed while Manik was showering.

Nandini loved doing all these small things that she missed over past months. She did miss him. His presence, his arms, his touch and literally she missed everything.

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