~chapter 8

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Manik's car halts front of the beautiful building. Nandini adores the building with smile as she read the name of the building. Nandini glancing at Manik with proud smile comes out of the car.

Nandini closing her eyes inhales the cold breeze as hit her nostrils. Nandini opens her eyes and found Manik beside her. Manik puts a arm around Nandini's shoulder knowing what she was feeling right now.

Nandini passed a bright smile to Manik and Manik pecks her side head. They both turns their head as they heard someone clearing throat.

Manik rolls his eyes while Nandini hid her face into Manik's chest avoiding abhi and avni who were giving them teasing smile.

Abhi : buddy we don't have entire day. Can we finish what we can here for? I really don't wanna see you both Romancing. My poor eyes.

Manik chuckles before giving bump on abhi's shoulder and moves away from Nandini entwining their hands together.

Manik : yes! Let's go in!

Manik smiles seeing a lady who approached seeing him. Manik leaving Nandini's hand pulls the lady in hug and bending down touched her feet making the lady bless him.

Manik : hello Mary! How are you?

Mary smiles seeing Manik after long time.

Mary : hello Manik! I'm great. Getting old. How are you? Who are they?

Mary asked seeing unfamiliar faces with Manik.

Manik : you're not getting any older beautiful. You are still beautiful and young.

Mary chuckles at Manik, including the rest.

Manik : Mary do you remember me talking about my baby sister kiddo?

Mary nodded her head. Mary is mother figure to Manik. Manik adores Mary as his own mother.

Mary : yes I do! Which one of them is your kiddo?

Manik looks at avni and gestures her to come beside him. He side hugs avni and smiles facing Mary who smiles seeing avni.

Manik : Mary, meet my baby sister aka kiddo avni malthora.

Mary moves to avni and cups her face.

Mary : she is so beautiful. Hello avni. Heard a lot about you. How are you darling?

Avni felt so warmth and comfortable about Mary. She also touched Mary feet and smiles.

Avni : hello Mary! It's lovely to meet you. I'm great. How are you?

Mary : prefect darling! Are they your friends too?

Manik looks at Nandini who was adoring them. He moves to Nandini and side hugs pulling them into front of Mary who gushed realising who she is.

Mary : is she... the one..

Manik chuckles and nodded his head.

Manik : yes Mary! She is my wife. Mrs Nandini Manik malthora.

Nandini breaking the hug moves to hug Mary and bends down to take Mary blessing but stopped by Mary. Nandini looks confuse.

Mary : please don't! My blessing with you is always. How are you darling? Finally I got to meet you. Manik is lucky to have you.

Nandini smiles at Mary.

Nandini : I'm lucky to have him Mary.. and he is my brother abhi.

Abhi also took blessing of Mary. Mary then welcomes them in where a laughter, giggle and noises were heard as they went inside the orphanage.

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