~chapter 5

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Nandini's eyes widen. She stayed still and shocked. She didn't open her mouth till he pinched side of her waist making her open her mouth and allowing him to explore her mouth.

Manik broke the kiss after his own satisfaction. Manik smirkingly looks at Nandini whose eyes were still widen open and her lips swollen up.

Manik smirks widely before wrapping his arms her waist and pulling her closer up to his chest, their front body collided with each other. Their nose touching, their breath fanning, their heart beating faster. Manik glances at Nandini once again before bending down little lower and capturing her lips again for passionate kiss.

Manik pinched Nandini waist again. He explore her mouth again. He broke the kiss while holding her close to him. He looks at her and with his free hand patted her cheek lightly.

Manik : sweetheart I want you to respond or there will be consequences.

As he whispered near her lips he again placed his lips on hers. Nandini's arms automatically wraps around Manik's neck. she opens her mouth and starts responding to the kiss.

They kissed passionately till their breath gave up. Unwillingly Manik broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Nandini's. Manik then pecks her forehead.

Manik looks at Nandini whose eyes were down. He also noticed her cheeks red. He smirks and tilts her chin up making her look at him.

Nandini feeling shy hid her face into his chest making him chuckle. Manik wraps his arms around her waist and smiled to fullest till he heard her mere whisper against his chest.

Nandini : I missed you Manik..

Manik : I missed you too Mrs Nandini Manik malthora ..

Manik broke hug and cupping her face stares her before pecking her forehead where he could see pinch of vermilion between her hairs.

Manik : sweetheart you didn't answer my previous question. What are you doing here?

Nandini moving away from Manik gave slap on Manik's shoulder before moving to his closet.

Manik with assumed smile watched his Nandini who shuffles inside the closet before returning back with a pair of shirt and joggers.

Nandini threw the clothes on Manik and crossing her arms against her chest stares Manik who smirked in return picking up the clothes.

Nandini : why are you undressed Manik? Put the clothes on first then we will talk.

Manik : why should I put the clothes on love? Why are getting turned on?

Nandini glares him before comfortable sitting down on the bed and took Manik's phone which was plugged on charger.

Manik shaking his head starts putting his clothes on while starting his wife who didn't give heed to him.

Manik putting his clothes on moves to Nandini and taking his phone of her makes her stand up.

Manik : hence I'm dressed up mind telling me what are you doing here?

Nandini : is it bothering you so much mani?

Manik : love, your presence can never bother me.. is everyone else here?

Nandini slaps her head and bits her lips.

Nandini : oh shit! I forget about them.. mani let me go.

Nandini coming out of his arms moves to leave but stopped as Manik held her hand. She turns back and looks at him.

Manik pulls Nandini in front of him and pulled nuptial chain under her top and removes her hair little back showing her hairline filled with vermilion.

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