The Kaplan Way

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Avis POV

I took my phone out once practice was over and called Kirstie.

"Hello?" She said sounding all innocent and happy.

"What's going on with Scooter and Mitch?" I asked sternly. She sighed, obviously fake.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Kaplan?" She asked, as if she didn't know..

"You three have a secret and I will find out.." I said and hug up before she could begin again. I then looked at Esther.

"The Kaplan way?" She asked. I nodded. We would find out just what secrets Scott and Mitch had.. The Kaplan way. That included Twitter stalking and watching what they say to each other and how they act. Basically stalking, but less weird.
I continuously called Scott and Mitch trying to find out what they were doing and when they were free. I asked them to come over to the apartment that Kevin and I share. They agreed and were soon there. I looked out the window to see what they did before they came in, nothing suspicious really.. I waited for them to get inside and offered them snacks and went into the kitchen to get them. I trusted them for that moment but on my way back I heard Scott😱

"I love you, too babe" Scott said..

Babe! He said babe! I stepped back and peeked out and looked at them.. Then it happened... They KISSED! I busted into the room laughing and holding a bowl of chips. They both jumped.

"Scott and Mitchie sitting in a tree! K-I -S-S-I-N-G!!" I laughed. They were both blushing.

"I uhm, it's uh" Scott stuttered.

"You two are dating!" I piped up.

"Sh! Yeah we are! Don't tell anyone! We went through this with Kirst, too! You can't tell anyone not even Kevin or Esther!" Mitch said and Scott nodded along, agreeing. I nodded.

"Got it." I said. "Tell no one , our little secret"

"Out little secret" Scott said and did the zipped lips thing.

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