Chapter 1

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I've probably already written this in the summary but I wrote it here with more details:  

English is the third language I learned so I'm really sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes! The POVs will probably change between Hermione and third person POV but I will precise it each time!


~Third person's POV~

Hermione entered her house and looked around. It was silent and empty. All the pictures from her and her parents were gone. Well, the pictures of her parents because when she altered their memories she was erased from all the pictures. Her eyes began to water. This was another thing to blame on You-Kno—Voldemort. She had lost her parents and by that her whole family! She shook her head and decided to stop thinking about it and go to what was her bedroom before the war. She entered the room and cast a few spells to make it look as it was before she knew about the wizarding world. She sat on her bed on looked at the lilac-coloured bed sheets. Lilac was the favorite colour of her mother. She began to cry silently when she thought about what had happened the day before. She had traveled to Australia where her parents new house was and tried to restore their memories. She had tried and tried but it didn't work! Well it worked on her mother for an hour.

She still remembered how her mom had taken her in her arms and hugged her tight. They were both crying. Her father didn't understand a thing so after trying to restore his memory for another five minutes she gave up and erased what had just happened. Then Hermione explained what had happened to her mother and when she came to the fact that it was her eighteenth birthday in a month and 2 weeks her mom gasped and told her to listen attentively to her.

She had told her that almost eighteen years ago they found out that they couldn't have a child and that that same evening, at exactly five minutes before midnight, the bell rang. When they went to open the door, wondering who could be there in the middle of the night, they didn't see anyone. Just a tiny basket with a baby inside that wasn't crying but was looking at them curiously. Of course they had taken the baby inside and feed it. They had also found a letter that read word by word:

Dear Mister and Miss Granger,

This is our beloved daughter and we would really appreciate it if you took care of her. We know that you can't have a child by yourselves so we hope that you will be happy to raise her. We can't keep her ourselves because there is a war in the wizarding world and we don't want her to live in constant fear. Yes, you read right "wizarding world". We are wizards so it's very likely that she will also be one but don't worry, if she is one she will receive a letter from a wizarding school and they will explain to her everything she need to know before she goes there. It is quiet common that a wizard is born in a muggle family (muggle means non-magic people).We also want you to know that if around her 18th birthday she begins to become depressive you don't need to worry to much, it's normal: she has a twin and there is a curse on our family. As long as they aren't together they will never be complete. We hope that the war will be over before their 18th birthday. That is  because right know she is under a spell that modifies her appearance to ressemble to yours and on her 19th birthday, if she is holding hands with her twin, she will change to her real appearance. If not, she will never be able to feel complete and her depressive episodes will become more frequent and worse. So we hope that she will find her twin but sadly she will be alone to do that. We had help from one of the most powerful wizards and we cast multiple spells to prevent the Dark Lord, a powerful dark wizard, to find out about her. There is a spell that prevents you and her to speak to anyone about this except between you three until after her transformation, a spell that prevents her and her twin to feel complete with each other until after her transformation, a spell that prevents them to fall in love because that would be quiet catastrophic and a spell that holds their twin powers back. The twin powers mentioned before are the capacity to talk to each other telepathically and a power that only comes out when they are angry. When they are angry, even with the blocking spell, they will be stronger, but once she is transformed and they are angry their eyes will turn red and they will even grow claws and sharper teeth if they are really angry. It is very possible that in the beginning they will not be able to control themselves because they were never trained. Well, we think that this is all that you need to know.

Signed: your daughter's biological parents.

Hermione's mom had recited the whole letter by heart which probably meant that she had read it so many times that it had burned itself in her mind. After that her mother had taken her in her arms again and had said: "Even if we didn't bring you to the world we still love you with all our heart!" 

When she released her she had looked at Hermione with affection for a few seconds but then her eyes had lost their focus and when they had focused again she had asked in a confused voice: "Who are you and why are you in my house?" 

At that memory, Hermione started to cry harder.

After that had left Australia as quickly as possible, only taking the time to wipe her mother's memory.

After crying for another ten minutes she wiped away her tears and wrote a letter to Harry and the Weasleys:

Dear Arthur, Molly, George, Ron, Ginny and Harry,

As you know I tried to restore the memories of my parents but sadly it didn't work... well not really but I'll explain it when I see you. I am currently staying at my old house but I want to sell it and come live in the wizarding world since I have nothing holding me back anymore. I wanted to know if you could help me finding a place to rent or buy. 

Thank you and I hope to see you soon! Hermione.

After rereading the letter she tied it to her owl's leg and let it out the window. After staring after it for a few minutes she decided to eat something and go to sleep.

The next morning she woke up by the sound of an owl crashing against the window. She untied the letter and read:

Dear Hermione,

We are really sorry for your loss and we hope that you will accept to come live with us at the Burrow. At least until you found somewhere to live and of course we will help you to find it! Harry and Ron got accepted in the Auror training, George is gone to Romania to help Charlie with the dragons and Ginny is still waiting for her Hogwarts letter. In the Daily Prophet it is mentioned that the seventh year students from last year can go back to Hogwarts to complete their studies because you had the whole war in your seventh year and because of that you didn't had your final exams and your diploma. If you want to go back you need to send a letter to Hogwarts before the 20th of July.

You can come to the Burrow whenever you want! Arthur, Molly, Ginny and Harry.

Once she finished reading she wrote her letter to Hogwarts because of course she wanted to complete her exams and have a diploma. Also she would have access to the huge library of Hogwarts which would help in her search for her real family! After sending the letter she decided that she would go to the Burrow tomorrow and for now make an announcement that the house is for sale.

What are your favourite animals?

Mines are cats, wolves and foxes!

~1440 words~

PS— I'm going to put pictures that I took myself at the beginning of each chapter!

• lilbookworm

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