Chapter 4

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I'm so, so sorry that I didn't update sooner but my father's computer wasn't working and I couldn't write on his phone since he needed it

(and I don't have my own since I'm "only" 13 years old)


When the computer was finally repaired, we needed to pack to go on holidays...

But right now I will try to write an extra long chapter or two chapters to make up for it! (we'll see how it turns out!)

Anyway, enjoy!

Ginny and Hermione were sitting on the Hogwarts express, talking about the new professors since a lot of them died in the war:

"Hey, Gin. Don't you think it will be weird to go to Hogwarts with all those new professors?" asked the brunette.

"Yeah, definitely! Like, which professors from the last year will there still be? McGonagall?" replied the ginger head, sighing.

"No, Professor McGonagall is now headmistress so she won't be teaching anymore... but there will still be Hagrid, Professor Sprout, Professor Binns, Professor Flitwick, Professor Hooch, Professor Vector, Professor Trelawney and Professor Sinistra. Filch and Madam Pomfrey are also still there." Listed Hermione. "but I wonder who will replace Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, and who will teach muggle studies and all the other classes without a current professor..." continued the brunette.

"Yeah, me too..." murmured Ginny.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of their compartment and after looking at each other they opened the door. Outside stood Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom.

"Oh, hey! Come in!" urged the ginger one excitedly, blushing slightly when she crossed eyes with the blonde. Hermione would need to ask her about that.

"Hi!" answered Luna in her airy tone while Neville greeted them awkwardly.

Hermione, instead of answering them, gave them a bone crushing hug after which Neville started coughing and the girls, laughing.

The rest of the way was spent with a long conversation about nonsense, often interrupted by fits of laughter or a few hours of sleep. When they were almost there, Hermione woke everyone up to get dressed in there school robes. 

~Time skip~ 

In the Great Hall, right after the sorting ceremony

"Attention everyone!" called Professor McGonagall "Now that Voldemort is finally defeated, I hope that this year will be quite peaceful for all of us! Since the war has disrupted last school year, the students who wanted to will redo their last year and are now the eight years. And since Hogwarts wasn't build to have as many students, an extra dorm has been build in the donjons when the rest of Hogwarts was being restored. As you probably guessed, since he welcome the first years, Professor Flitwick is now the deputy headmaster!

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