Chapter 7

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(I drew this myself so please don't use it without credit! Thank you.)

Thanks to Harry_Potter369 for the first comment and thanks to all the others who commented, voted or added my story to their reading lists!

I'm sorry for the long wait but I edited some MAJOR mistakes in the previous chapters so please reread them if you have read them before 31/10/2020!

Also, I completely forgot to put a disclaimer... but if you really thought I was J.K. Rowling I don't think you read Harry Potter at all ;)


Anyway, enjoy!

∞Hermione's POV ∞

"Oh." said Zabini with a frown. "I wonder why he helped you. Mother always told me he was a cold and harsh man, not one to kindly help someone out..." he said with a shrug.

"And how did you find your way?" I asked raising her eyebrow in a questioning gesture.

For a moment a weird look passed on Zabini's face before he put his Pureblood mask back on, answering my question:

"Well, since Mother helped with the reconstruction of this part of Hogwarts she know where our dormitories are and told me before the start of term."

"Oh, okay" I nodded. "And, do you also know the password? Also, do you know who it is on the painting? Is he really that powerful? I mean, he should be able to interact with us but to be able to at this age... he needs to be really powerful! And-"

"Whoa, slow down Granger, geez!" Parkinson interrupted me. "I don't know, do you know?" she said, turning to Malfoy and Zabini.

Malfoy shrugged disinterestedly While Zabini nodded:

"The password is 'Ouroboros'."

(A/N: An Ouroboros is a serpent or dragon eating its own tail and symbolises eternity.)

"Fitting." I commented dryly, making him chuckle while Malfoy and Parkinson sniggered.

"True... But I don't know who this is. We could try and ask him?"

"Well, finally!" said a voice next to us, making us jump.

It was the little boy from the painting. He stood up, facing us with his hands on his hips:

"Do you know how annoying it is to have people talking next to you, about you, without being acknowledged?" 

"W-who are you?" asked Malfoy, a little bit unsure by his harsh tone.

"I am Anoch Peverell." he replied with a mocking bow and a smirk that seemed very out of place on his young face.

"Peverell?! Are you related to one of the brothers? Which one?" I asked, excited by the new knowledge.

"Wait, who?"asked Parkinson.

"The three brothers, the ones who defied Death and got the Deathly Hallows, you know from that legend in 'The Tales of Beetle the Bard'." said Malfoy, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"I am related to them." he said with a sneer. "I am the fourth brother, the brother who everyone forgot about because I died of an unknown illness. Knowing I was dying I asked for this portrait and I taught it about me and my manners as much as possible. Unlike Antioch and Cadmus, my brothers," he spat like it was an insult, which it probably was for him by the look on his face. "who stupidly defied Mortimus, or as you know him, Death, and just died even earlier then they were supposed to, before me, leaving behind them only rumours of being heroes. What a stupid waste of life. They just couldn't enjoy the gift that Vitalia, or, Life, gave them. I was destined to die early since birth. The disease has always been there. And they, my stupid brothers, who hadn't been ill, just discarded that and did something stupid, making them die before me. I was jealous. Which of course, is to be expected, since I was slowly dying while they didn't even value their healthy life. Ignotus on the other hand... While he also doesn't deserve to be seen as my brother, he, at least, was 'slightly' more clever and asked Death something that kept him 'alive' for as long as he wanted... but... since he needed to stay under the Cloak to escape Death, and was therefore invisible, he couldn't really enjoy life anymore. And he too left, leaving his heir the Invisibility Cloak. Does any of you know who this heir might be?"he finally asked.

"Umm... no?" said Parkinson, slightly overwhelmed by all the information.

Malfoy and Zabini shook their head before turning to me.

"Granger, maybe you know who it is, since you apparently know 'everything'?" Malfoy asked me with a sneer.

"In fact, yes, I do." I said with a huff at his disdainful tone.

"You do?" said Zabini curiously while Malfoy looked shocked and quite doubtful.


"And prey tell me who one of my last family members are?" Anoch said, rolling his eyes.

I hesitated slightly. Should I tell them?

"It's... Harry, Harry Potter." I said at last.

"Potter?" the Slytherins said simultaneously, shocked.

"Yes." I huffed.

"Oooh... so I finally got a worthy member in the family... The Saviour of the Wizarding World... Nice!" Anoch said with a smirk on his thin lips.

"Wait, does that mean that Potter had the Invisibility Cloak? Then why didn't he use it? If he did he wouldn't have been caught that much?" said Malfoy disbelievingly.

"Yes, he has it and yes, he used it." I answered, exasperated. "We used it often even. Just, sometimes, we forgot or we didn't have it on us. How do you think that we got away with so much? It wasn't because of his fame like you all probably thought."

"I guess that makes sense." said Parkinson with a thoughtful look.

"So Potter is the last heir of the Peverell line? Does that mean that he owns the Deathly Hallows?" asked Zabini.

"Maybe, I don't know, you tell me." said Anoch. "I had a wife and we had twin daughters before I died. One married in the Zabini line and the other-"

"Zabini?!! You said Zabini?!" cut Zabini before he could continue.

"Well, yes. Why? Do you know a Zabini?" said Anoch, annoyed to have been cut of.

"Erm... Well... I am Blaise Onyx Zabini, the current Zabini heir..." answered Zabini, a little unsure about how to react of the newly learned information.

"Oooh! So you are my great great — I don't know how many — great grandson? I hope you live up to your heritage, otherwise I will do everything in my power — which, I agree isn't much but still — to disown you! Otherwise, welcome to the Peverell family!" said Anoch with false cheer before his face morphed into a sneer again. "Now, go in and leave me in peace instead of interrogating me without even an ounce of respect stupid children."

Surprised by his sudden outburst we quickly entered the dorms after the portrait swung open.

"Well..." started Malfoy, still confused.

"That man is bipolar, I tell you!" exclaimed Parkinson with an exasperated sigh.

We sniggered a bit before stopping when the portrait swung open again and Neville and the other eight years entered.

~ 1217 words ~

Sorry again for the long delay but I really just hadn't any inspiration anymore.

• lilbookworm •

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