Chapter 2

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I try not to think ahead on my stories because otherwise I don't feel like going back to write it with all the details needed for you readers. And that is why I have maaAaaAAAaaany unfinished stories and often a writers block! So for me it is like reading the story at pretty much the same time as you so I'm really excited!!! :) Anyways, enjoy!

~Third person's POV~

The next morning, Hermione was knocking at the door of the Burrow at 8 am and when finally someone opened the door she saw a sleepy Ron looking at her, utterly confused. As soon as the brunette identified him she flung her arms around him and engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug. Ron hesitantly hugged her back: "Whoah, Hermione your crushing me!"

 She released him and stepped inside when she heard Ginny yelling: "Hermione! I'm glad you came so early! We will have plenty time to catch up!"

When Hermione walked past Ron she heard him mumble: "Early?!! This isn't just early, this is insane!" 

The brunette chuckled slightly, nudging him in the shoulder and in return, he glared at her. When she entered the kitchen, she was engulfed in a big hug from Molly, Ginny and Harry all at once. After she got released, she shook Arthur's hand and sat down at the table where Molly was already serving breakfast.

After they ate Hermione related everything that had happened since they last saw each other, except, of course, everything that had to do with her real family and her twin powers. Of course, she tried to tell them but, just like it was written in the letter, she couldn't utter a word about it. After that the brunette opened and closed her mouth a few times, she sighed and said: "My mom also told me... something very important... about me but the information is enchanted so I can't talk about it to anyone... Though I don't have all the information so I still need to find a few things out. And sadly, no one can help because of the spell..."

They all looked confused and then Molly asked: "Do you know who casted the enchantement? Only that person can take it back off."


"And who is it?" asked Ron impatiently.

Hermione sighed and replied: "It wont help since I don't know who most of them really are and I can't say the name of the... third person when I'm thinking about the information... I didn't even know that was possible but, well, if I couldn't say their name even when I didn't think about the information it would be very suspicious." the brunette paused for a second then continued: " I guess that I could nod when you say their name or if you showed a picture of them!"

"So... you want us to say names of people and you would nod when we say their name?" asked Harry. Hermione nodded and then the names began to fly out of their mouth, randomly and without sense:

"Sirius Black"

"Remus Lupin"

"Minerva McGonagall"

"Severus Snape"


And each time, Hermione shook her head frowning a little.

"Peter Pettigrew"

"Lucius Malfoy"

"Xenophilius Lovegood" said Harry and everyone looked at him in confusion. "Who the bloody hell is that?" asked Ron. Harry smiled and said: "It's Luna Lovegood's father."

Hermione shook her head again and sighed.

"Hey! We didn't mentioned Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!" said Ginny, proud that she had remembered his whole name.

Hermione nodded violently before squeaking excitedly: "Yes! It's him!"

"Well, let's say that it will be quiet difficult to talk to him since he is dead." said Harry bitterly.

Hermione slumped in on herself, defeated. It was her only clue and it already ended on a dead end. Well, she could still search in Hogwarts's library for twins with powers.

After they sat in silent for a few moments, Ginny stood up and dragged Hermione up to her room to install her and give her her Hogwarts letter. The owl had arrived earlier that morning, signifying the imminent arrival of the brunette. Hermione thanked Ginny and read the familiar letter that said that she was allowed to complete her seventh year at the wizarding school as an eight year student among a few others. Since they weren't many to go back she would be having every class with all the other eight years from the four houses. 

The two girls chatted about the upcoming year at Hogwarts and their afternoon trip to Diagon Alley to buy their furnitures until lunch.

After insisting for a long time, Arthur had allowed them to go on their own so the two girls were happily making their way to Flourish and Blotts, where they were going to buy their books.

When they were done buying all their school supplies, they went to Florean Fortescue's ice-cream parlour and bought Butterbeer flavoured ice-cream. Hermione was listening to Ginny, who was talking about a Quidditch match that would take place next month, when suddenly she saw three familiar persons enter the shop.

It was Draco Malfoy in company of his best friends since after the war, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson.

What's your favourite colour?

Mine's are leaf green and black!

~ 963 words ~

WooOooOooOoOo!!!!! Exciting for all of us because I don't even know what will happen!

I'm sorry that this chapter is really short compared to the previous one but like I already said: it was one of my longest chapters, so don't expect me to do chapter as long as that because that isn't what I am normally able to do on a daily state!

Anyway, if you have time, leave a comment and if you like it leave a vote, please!


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