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August 14th ,2017

He hasn't spoken to me since I called him brother and walked out on him.

The house is quiet,with today being a Monday it was quite understandable.

I still haven't seen Ms.M,but I'm sure I heard her voice around four am today.
I know it was her voice because I'm sure as cheese that I wasn't dreaming about Ms.M . That'll be too creepy.

Sitting on my bed,I tried to finish off the homework Lena gave me on Saturday. Her Majesty skipped today too and now I'm praying that she always has diarrhoea.

What? As long as it kept her from showing her wrinkled face here,then diarrhoea would have to do it.

Now, don't even conclude that I'm mean, you've not been homeschooled before and even if you have at least you had the weekends off.

Whilst Ms.M so graciously makes me get lessons on the weekends too, only I understood her because Lena stayed for four hours each time she came around.

The telephone downstairs started ringing and sprinted to get it.

Picking the joint-loop shaped phone to my ear,I voice a low 'hello' into the receiver.

"Oh my sweets,you sound even hotter on the phone"

Of course it was the idiot who called. He'd rather ignore me in person and call the house phone so he could flirt with his sexy voice. Wasn't he supposed to be in school by now?

Sure it was almost ten but did that mean it was break in his school? No, I doubt that. Probably he's being a big puke as always and he's probably ditched class.

"Don't tell me I make you speechless even on the phone cupcake."he spoke again bringing me out of my thoughts.

Cupcake? Well that's new. First call me sweets, now I'm cupcake?
Might as well call me croissant or even waffles. Chocolate waffles to exact.

Why couldn't people of this family call others by their actual names? Everyone of them had to use a pet name..Uhrr it was just so irritating.

I passed my tongue on my incisors "No silly,you don't make me speechless in person or over the phone. Even if that's the case I'm speechless only because I can't seem to understand how one can have a head as big as a silo but have a brain as tiny as a mustard seed"I sassed.

Take that Ken Barbie doll. He wasn't going to put me in a tight corner.I was a firecracker, I was the one with the smart mouth not the other way round.

"Someone's feisty today"he replied "Anyway, I'm heading back to the house and I wanted you to cook me something" he heard him say through the receiver.

Cook? For him?Me?
Now I've concluded that he really is mental. I haven't even boiled water my whole life.

Back when I was in the orphanage,we we're served our food and I went to kitchen only when it was my shift to do the dishes.

We bathed with the cold water from the taps in our open bathhouse. Our cubicles didn't have that hot water tap thingy I've seen in the movies. We only bathed hot water when it was winter, even so it was unless Ms Petty herself came under the weather.

Pathetic?You think.

Anyway all I'm trying to say is that I can't cook to save my life and he wanted me to cook for him.

He was ditching school for my very existent good cooking.

You can already feel the sarcasm seeping through me.

"But school's not over,why are you coming home?"I asked brushing him off.

"I'm unwell and mum already knows I'm heading home,so all's good"he replied so smoothly. If he was lying to me, I couldn't tell.

"Also, I'm only a block away"he added and hang up.
I'm supposed to cook for Ken Barbie doll now and I don't know anything about cooking.

Dropping the telephone into it's case-like thing,I strutted towards the kitchen to cook poison for the King.

Oh no. I didn't mean to call him King, he's not a King and he sure as chocolate waffles is not my king .

Cringe moment.

It's still morning,and so I might as well fry eggs and make toast for him. He's lucky I'm hungry too, I would not have done anything for him.

Cracking the egg unto the pan directly,I smiled as I saw the yoke settle in the middle. It looked like the sun only it had white blanket around it.

Setting the toast together with the eggs, I decided to fry sausages. Why'd they have to have so many protein things in their fridge.

I wouldn't know even if I tried wondering.

"Sweets, I'm home"Matthew boomed from the hall.

Oh Christ!He would never call me by name, unless he wants to 'touch me' like he says.

"Mhmmmm, I thought you couldn't cook" He said, sounding pleased with the aroma.

I watched with so much intent as he picked the toast and closed his eyes to chew.

I opened my mouth to speak when a loud voice interrupted me.

"Baby,you left our bags in the car"the voice chimed.

Baby?Ms.M was with him and he didn't even bother to notify me.
Talk about annoying.

"Oh Ciara,baby I'm sorry" Matthew said in a soft voice as he turned to kiss the girl that just appeared in the kitchen.

The girl,Ciara giggled and kissed Matthew passionately on his lips and I wanted to fry my eyes like sausages.

Speaking of sausages, I realized the sausages we're burning.

Holy cheese crackers! Turning them over, I switched the gas off before taking them out.

"Baby who's this?"questioned Ciara.

"Oh her,"he said and paused "she's our new housemaid" he finally said clearly stiffling his laughter from my now red face.

Maid? I was his maid. Is that how he saw me,as a maid and not his soon to be sister.

I didn't expect this to hurt this much when he addressed me as his maid but my pride will not let it and so I replaced my sullen face with a bright Cheshire cat smile.

"Yes. I'm Lola the new housemaid. Nice to meet you"I stretched out my hand in greeting.

"Oh baby, she's so cute"Ciara said in a singsong voice before stretching her own hand to take mine.

I was beginning to hate her and if he wanted me to feel bad, I'll have him know that two can play this game of his.

Because, I'm a Boss.

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