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August 18th,2017.

'' x equals 55" I answered.

"Good" Lena said in response, seeing as  I'd finally gotten a question correct.

"Now Lola, why's x 55"she asked.

What is this woman's problem? You ask me what x equals and I tell you. You confirm that it's accurate and now you want to know how I got that?

I promised Ms.M when she came home yesterday that I'd be on my best behavior towards Lena.

Why I promised Ms.M that? I sincerely have no idea.

Maybe it's because I thought that having diarrhoea would not only drain her of all her body fluids,but also it'll free her of her very annoying,pushy and salty character.

Again, I'm not mean.

"How did I get it? What's that to you? You asked for an answer and I gave it to you and I was correct so what's how I got it to you?"

"Oh Christ!"she lamented, "I've had it with you already. I'm not going to do this anymore,the paycheck is not worth your attitude" she continued.

Huh! My attitude, I'm not the one with the attitude at all.

I just stared at the young woman in front me who also happens to be my homeschool teacher wordlessly.

Not that I didn't have something to say,they just wouldn't come out .

She was staring at me,her mouth opening and closing, clearly she wanted to say something else.

"The door's that way Lena,and I made some waffles,feel free to stop by the kitchen. But be careful we don't want another round of diarrhoea."I sassed before giving her my fakest of grins.

"You little spoilt brat. You're just a little bitch who is used to getting whatever she wants but you're not going to have your way with me"she shrieked

Oh no no no. She didn't just use the 'b' word on me. I know I'm stubborn sometimes maybe a little sassy but everyone loves sass right? Or maybe not.

I ran after her and when I caught up with her,I grabbed her jacket  sleeve and turned her body to mine.

She looked surprised,of course she should be because what was coming to her was more than sass.

"You don't know anything about me. You have no idea how I've suffered in my life or whether I get whatever I want whenever.

The only thing I've ever wanted was family. Ask me do I have that now? I don't even know!

And just because I sass you up a bit,and you see that I'm living in a big house, doesn't automatically mean that ' I'm a spoilt child' as you put it and I'm just going to ignore the other 'b' word you called me."

I paused and looked at her now pale face with disgust.

"Now even anyone was being the 'b' word in this room it's certainly not me and that leaves you. Obviously.

Now you can take me up on my waffles offer or go on and live your diarrhoea life.
Either way,I wouldn't care much."

I said and turned to go up the stairs.

Turning my back she still stood there, sniffing like I just told her that diarrhoea was chronic,and so to add more salt to her injury I added "Also, don't come back to teach me again,you clearly don't even teach me anything.

Now go have a good life."

And I ran upstairs to my bedroom and that's where I let all the tears loose.

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