-Needy Girl-

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You twiddle your thumbs in your lap in an attempt to remain distracted. You were currently sitting by the fire in the backyard of the chateau. Music and chatter was heard through the backyard and probably the rest of the block. The pogues decided it was time to have another kick-back after a week of doing almost nothing but smoking and surfing. It was only meant to be for a small group and some people from around the cut but word spread fast and now most of the local teens and other college students were in John B's backyard throwing a full blown party.

Typically you would be into the scene and having a good time with your friends, but your mind was only focused on one thing: JJ. He sat next to you at the fire while mindlessly laughing along with whatever was being said by the other people sat around the fire. To say you woke up that morning with a need only your boyfriend could fix was an understatement. Your mind had been on him all day. From when you saw him walking out of the water on the beach only in his swim trunks, to lingering kisses and casual dirty remarks you're used to hearing from the blonde, it all built up into wanting him and a growing wet spot in your panties.

You leaned forward, picking up the bottle of beer you placed on the ground earlier and took and sip from it. The bottle not moving far from your lips once you swallowed, stuck in a hazy state while staring into the fire. "Hey, you okay?"

Your attention turned toward your boyfriend. He had his head turned to look at you with a sweet smile placed on his lips. Your eyes scanned over his face, taking in the way the light from the fire illuminated his features. He was utterly breathtaking. He always looked so ruggedly handsome at all times, and right now it wasn't helping your situation. Ignoring the tingly feeling in your lower abdomen becoming more intense, you gave him a tightlipped smile back. "Yeah! Just not feeling in the party mood, I guess." You knew that wasn't true, but you could spare yourself the embarrassment of letting him know how bad you needed him and just wait until he made the first move when you left the party, right?

"Are you sure?" JJ pressed further, not knowing whether or not if he believed you just yet. You were about to respond with the same reaffirmation when you felt something land on your leg. You looked down seeing JJ's hand placed on the bare skin of your thigh. You knew it was meant as a reassuring and comforting gesture, but with how you have been feeling and the thoughts of him above you running around in the back of your mind, seeing and feeling his hand on your thigh caused your breath to hitch.

Your eyes snapped back up to his in hopes that he didn't see your moment of weakness. "Uh," you stuttered out, noticing the look of realization slowly spread across his face. "Just not in the party mood, like I said." You cleared your throat, hoping he would buy your cheap excuse and the growing smirk on his face was just your eyes playing tricks on you.

"Not in the party mood?" He asked back, smirk etched on his face. You hummed in agreement before turning your head back toward the fire, wishing he would drop the subject for now. You thought he did forget about it for a second, but feeling his breath suddenly against your ear and his thumb beginning to rub circles into your thigh told you a different story. "Then what kind of mood are you in, sugar?" You let out a breathy sigh as your head turned to look at him. His face was now right in front of yours, staring back at you with a sly smirk. Your reaction to his comment and dilated pupils were all that he needed to confirm his suspicions. He caught you. "C'mere." He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you up from where you previously sat.

JJ began to pull you in the direction of the chateau, you following close behind him. You looked around slightly embarrassed that your boyfriend wasn't being discreet about bringing you inside, but luckily no one noticed a thing. The random people sitting around the fire continued on with their conversation while new teens took your previous seats. Your friends were off doing god knows what, so that left only you and JJ knowing what was about to happen.

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