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titles I considered for this entry:
Thoughts out loud
Not that you wanted to know
Views, believes, & politics

Abortion Pro choice, it's not my body and I don't know your circumstances. There's also the fact of if their brain is developed yet or if there a pile of cells that can't feel or think yet. There's situations where the person can't provide for them or it leaves themselves at risk. A child should be raised in a positive and healthy environment and if you can't provide that, then you're not in a place to do that. Keep in mind for the kid, they deserve to be raised in a happy and healthy place.

Marriage (age) Um, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna wait till I'm at least 26-when my brain is fully developed.

Marriage (friendship) Also, I want to marry my best friend. That's what I look for first. We match, and we get each other. :)

Same sex marriage You do you man, I'll do me. Hey, I'm into guys, and if I was a guy I'd be so gay. I see why you'd like guys, I like them too.

Divorce Do it if it needs to be done. If it's an unhealthy relationship then get out! Even if you have kids, your kids deserves to be surrounded by positive influences. Not bad ones.

Alcohol Legally considered adults at 18, and can vote, by not drink alcohol. Gee, and the brain isn't even fully developed till the age of 26. Studies show those who wait till the age of 24 are far less likely to try alcohol.

Smoking/vape See above, too young.

Renting cars You can get married but can't rent a car if you both are younger than 26? What? (Notice same age as full brain development).

Guns Crazy's will still get weapons through illegal means, we all have a right to bare arms to protect ourselves. Limiting this will not stop the crazies.

Taxes Tax accordingly, not just because their richer. Do so accordingly.

Minimum wage Not higher, that inflates the economy.

ID There should be a universal Id so younger people can have easer travel, other ID's still work like drivers license, birth certificate, passport.


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