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It was silent in the small, natural-looking room. The only noises that were present were light breathing and the shuffling of movements. The events that had happened earlier were disastrous and completely out of hand.

At least Lucifer was there to save you.

Beelzebub had just left your room to get some snacks, leaving you and Mammon alone.

Turning your head down to look at the white-haired demon, a small smile crept up onto your lips at how he looked.

Mammon, the demon whom you made a pact with, was wrapping up your sprained wrist. He wasn't good at it, but it's the thought that counts. Leviathan had snapped into an envious rage once the unreleased content for his favorite show, TSL, was spoiled. By you.

When he suddenly attacked, it was a bit shocking, Mammon didn't get to you on time but Lucifer did at least. You managed to get out unscathed until you fell on your ass, how embarrassing.

And that's one of the reasons Mammon looked like he did currently. Frustrated, upset, guilty.

He was an open book. So far he hasn't attempted to talk about the events, allowing you to succumb to your thoughts.

He seems frustrated with himself... I feel bad he's so upset for something that wasn't even his fault...

"(Y/n).." Your ears perked as you finally heard the voice of your demon speak up. The whole time you made sure not to talk about what happened, just Incase you somehow upset him further.

"..Ah..Um, there's somethin' I want you to know," Mammon began to mumble some more, continuing to securely wrap your sprained wrist with the utmost care. Surprisingly he was gentle compared to the aggressive behavior he had with you in the beginning. Maybe it was the TSL marathon you binged with him that caused him to soften up. It was rather cute.

Your heart fluttered at the thought, continuing to look down at the demon who was talking. "..Listen. The next time your life's in danger, I'm gonna be the one to save ya, all right? Don't ya forget that. And... If I can't manage to save ya, then make sure ya die, got it?!" His face flushed a light shade of pink. "I don't want no one else steppin' in and savin' ya, all right?! It's me or no one, understand?!"

A large grin formed on your face, amused by how adorable he was being. His shy, aggressive behavior was something you've never experienced with another person, it was pretty endearing.

"All right, I got it Mammon. I'm glad to know I have a strong, helpful person like you by my side!"

His hands stopped, as his heart began to beat erratically, the pink on his face turning red.

Nobody was ever this nice to him. Not even his siblings. He's always insulted, looked down upon, used, manipulated. But you, a human, treated him like he wasn't a scumbag. That he just wasn't full of greed like everybody claims he is. Were you just using him like everyone else or were you being sincere?

"G-good... Jeez, you should always just agree with me like that. And stop it! I didn't say I-I'd save ya or an-anything! Idiot!" He stuttered out, a blushing mess while he turned his head away from your view to hide the hue.

It was proven useless though since you could see the red of his ears and the nape of his neck. Chuckling softly you shook your head, patting his soft white locks.

His head shot up in your direction, his breath hitching at the warm smile you wore, the light tint of pink on your cheeks as you continued to weave your fingers through his hair.

You were beautiful and radiant— like an angel. The heat became worse, as he tried to stutter out another response to the foreign affection. "Knock it off will ya'? Don't start treatin' me like a child!"

He enjoyed the pleasantly cool touch of your fingers that glided on top of his head, rubbing it in the right spots that caused him to squirm in embarrassment. How could a human like you stir up such feelings from just a few gentle acts of kindness?

Was Mammon this deprived of proper affection? You've noticed the way his younger brothers treated him, along with Lucifer. It didn't sit right within you. They were siblings for goodness sake! Plus nobody seemed to ever pay attention to him, which also added to the heavy problem. The whole situation was rather distressing.

"Hey, Mammon?" You pulled your hands back from his head per his request, eyes still trained onto him, catching the frown he wore.


"What do ya want, human? Ya think just because ya gave me a few nice words means I'll do somethin' for ya?! Think agai—"

"You're really cute when you're yourself. I like it a lot." You cut him off, trying to get him out of that negative mindset he has. From the short amount of time you had known him, you could tell he was pretty insecure about things. Like said earlier, he was an open book.

Maybe if you encouraged him and brought his spirits up some more he would feel more confident, rather than putting up that arrogant facade of his.

"W-what? I'm not cute, I'm dangerous! And that's 'The Great Mammon' to you! Get it right human.." His angry, flustered mumbles echoed through his room. Mammon was such a softie it warmed your heart, all the while making you squeal a bit internally.

He's seriously too adorable for his own good...

Rolling your eyes playfully, you flopped down back onto the bed.

She's okay for a human... He thought.

"Yea, alright Mammon. Anyway—"

Ring... Ring...

"Huh? That isn't my phone ringing, must be yours." Mammon pointed out.

Sighing, you rolled over on your bed to grab your DDD. Mammon being the nosy demon he was, leaned over your shoulder, hands on either side of your body. Feeling the dip in the bed on either side, you glanced up, noticing Mammon hovering above. He seemed focused on the phone that had Leviathan's name on it.

Chuckling lightly at how focused his eyes were on the phone, you answered, feeling the hairs of Mammon grazing your cheek. He was probably closer, trying to listen in.

"—Hold on Levi," pulling back the phone, Levi's angry spouting was heard as you slowly glanced up at the demon.


"Huh? What do ya want, human?" His head turned in your direction, burning up at the close proximity. Mammon won't admit it, but you were really pretty. On top of that, you were nice to him. These feelings that bubbled up inside of him resurfaced more immensely. His eyes shook in nervousness, not catching the words you spoke to him.

"Mammon, scoot! Come sit beside me if you're trying to listen in on my conversation instead of hovering over me." Playfully, you narrowed your eyes as if you were upset he was eavesdropping. It's not like you minded if he listened. It was only Leviathan after all.

He stuttered out a response, mostly denying what he was doing. So, Mammon will admit he was a bit interested in what his brother wanted. 

More like he was just being jealous whenever you Interacted with his siblings. He's your first! You should be paying more attention to him, not the others.

Reaching up, you grabbed his shoulder and flipped him on the opposite side of you, a surprised shout emitting out of his lips.

For a human, you sure had some strength.


Hi yes I'm in love with Mammon. Baby baby baby.

Who's ur fav character from OBME? Ik this is a Mammon fic but he doesn't have to be somebody's favorite to read these lol.

Also don't forget to check out my other books/vote & comment🥺💕

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