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"Do you need anything?" Peering up at the demon that loomed over your smaller form, you questioningly gazed at him through your lashes.

He had been following you like a puppy would his owner (which isn't that far off, being you were technically his master in a sense) around the hallways of R.A.D ever since the lunch break started.

At first, you played along when you noticed him trailing farther behind you but now he was literally right behind you. You'd had to be highly idiotic to not notice him following behind at that point.

"You've been following me around, right? I was wondering if you needed to tell me something or whatever. Man, I don't even know my way around here yet and it's been weeks.." Muttering the last part, you continued to aimlessly wander around, trying to find the lunchroom. Mammon's footsteps followed beside you now rather than behind.

"Like I was followin' ya! I-I just had somethin' to do in this direction.." Pink bared itself onto his cheeks, embarrassed at being caught stalking you. Your chuckle entered his ears and that gentle smile was sent in his direction, causing his heart to flutter.

"Heh okay, I believe you. Anyways, can the 'Great Mammon' please guide me to the lunchroom?" The smile you had plastered on turned wider when you noticed how the white-haired demon puffed his chest out in confidence while his toothy grin presented itself to you.

Mammon loved it when you boosted his ego like this or asked for assistance that didn't involve money. Normally he's put down or laughed at, but whenever you were beside him, you made it your duty to cheer the said demon up.

All in the day's work!

It was pretty easy to cheer him up, other than just complimenting him. He really liked when you were physically touching him gently, mostly when you ran your fingers through his hair though. Another is an offer to take him out for dinner, your treat obviously, but those were the days when he was extremely upset and your touch did nothing for him.

Usually, your wallet turns out to be empty at the end of those dinners, so yea, that's the last resort.

"Well I guess I can ditch that super important thing I was goin' to do... Follow me human!" He marched forward through the hallways expertly with you by his side.

Gently grasping his hand, you entwined them together. He flinched at the contact, immediately blushing a rosy hue while he stuttered. A giggle left your lips at the flustered words that flew out of his mouth.

He's so damn adorable.

Those familiar feelings bloomed up Inside you. The same thundering pattern of the heart and that heat that flowed through your face.

You liked Mammon. That day all those weeks ago when Leviathan attacked you— it was then they began. Plus, it was rather obvious Mammon felt the same. His brothers didn't help hide that fact either. You just weren't sure when you should even bring it up, so for now advancing the relationship will be put on hold.

So much had happened like managing to make a pact with Asmodeus and discover there was a lot more than what meets the eye to this family.

They were all wonderful to be around despite how chaotic they were. It seemed like they enjoyed being around you just as equally, especially since you've been bringing the family closer together. Who would have thought this would have happened?

𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 ; mammonWhere stories live. Discover now