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"(Y/n) please sit down."

"I shall not do such a thing, Luci!"

"It's Lucifer." He sternly spoke from his seat at the table, sending a harmless glare your way.

"R-Right, sorry Lucifer..." You timidly trailed off, the brothers at the table laughing at how easily you submitted to their older sibling.

Asmo tugs on your sleeve, making you forget what you wanted to say earlier as he forced you to sit back down while he and Satan dragged you into their gossiping conversation.

Mammon sat across from you, enviously watching. He should be the one sitting beside you! But no, his brothers wanted to hog his girlfriend all the time. It's not fair! The second born is your first, after all. Plus, you should be spending all of your time on him. That's how couple things work!

"Does Lucifer really look that nice without a shirt on?" You whispered lowly, trying not to gather said man's attention.

Asmo squealed at the thought of his shirtless brother while Satan nodded, sipping his coffee.

"We haven't seen his bare chest in centuries," the blonde spoke up.

"Woah, that's a long time..."

"That's it!" Mammon stood up from his seat abruptly, his brothers not even bothering to pay attention to whatever he had to say. Of course, he caught your attention right away.

"(Y/n) is my girlfriend, ya got that?! Mine! Stop hoggin' her already!" He growled, mostly aiming his speech towards the flirty fifth born.

"ROFLMAO he's jealous."

"Mammon, shut up you're too loud. I'm trying to sleep."

"Hey, Mammon? Can you pass me the pot of soup? I'm still hungry."

"Beel, you just ate the whole fridge stock a few minutes ago..."

Mammon gritted his teeth at the fact nobody was taking him seriously and just ignoring him like they always do. Leaving his plate behind, he walked off from the table.

They should be respecting him. Not disrespecting. He's their older brother, not younger. They should treat him better. It's not fair. How come Mammon has to be treated so horribly? Sure, he steals things and gets into a lot of debt, but he doesn't treat his siblings like they do to him.

I guess that saying, "treat others how you want to be treated" should really start being taken more seriously, shouldn't it?

"Mammon..." You trailed off, watching his retreating form. Excusing yourself from the dinner table, you waved off the concerned questions, bothered by the fact they seemed to care about your whereabouts more than their own brother.

'They shouldn't treat him like this!'

"Mammon! Please- wait up!" Jogging after the slumped-over form of your boyfriend, he didn't even bother to acknowledge you (surprisingly) as he continued his way down the familiar halls that would lead to his room.

Entering the room, you followed after him, noticing he was laying down on his bed. Your body dipped into the mattress when you laid beside him, entwining his hand with yours.

"What's wrong baby?" You whispered sweetly, moving in closer to his form. His cheeks couldn't help but have a tint of pink to them at the foreign nickname. You'd only ever use it when he seemed really upset, as you knew he rather enjoyed the over-used couple nickname.

His arms snake their way around your waist, stuffing his head into the crook of your neck. Patting his back soothingly, you moved in to be as close as possible to him, placing gentle kisses atop his head.

"I don't like them hoggin' ya like that..."

"...Mammon, tell me the truth, please."

"I am bein' honest! J-Just not completely..." He nervously trailed off, holding you tighter.

"Is it because they were dismissing you?" His body flinched in your grasp, allowing you to figure out this was indeed the problem. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want. I can wait as long as you need."

He stayed silent for a while. Just proceeding to keep you as close as humanly possible, all the while making sure you were comfortable in his hold. As he kept silent, you talked, trying to soothe him.

"You know I love you so much. You're such a sweet and gentle demon and I couldn't be happier being around you," you could feel his heart pick up its pace, and you were sure he could hear yours. "All you do is think of others, even though people think otherwise... I know how you truly are, and you know what that is? A lovable, thoughtful, compassionate, adorable, charming man."

"S-So I'm not a greedy, useless, scumbag?.." His voice cracked a bit, obviously affected by the barrage of Insults he always received. You could feel your heart practically break at how insecure he sounded.

Holding his face in your hands, you shook your head, connecting his forehead against yours. Your thumb traced invisible circles on his cheekbone, sometimes pepping a kiss onto his face.

"No, no, no... You're none of those, my love. You're anything but that, and I know for a fact that what I'm saying is true. So don't believe anything otherwise. You're such a great guy, and you know, if people can't tell, who cares. They clearly don't know you if they can't see it."

"What about my brothers?"

Exhaling through your nose. You pecked his lips a couple of times, flustering him a bit, though happily taking in the affection.

"They love you. And they do care for you. Yea they may not show it, but if you were in danger I'm sure they'd be there at your side. You're all siblings after all. That's what they do. Pretend you irritate the hell out of them but secretly worry over you. I promise they truly appreciate you, Mammon."

Letting out a squeak from the sudden action, you stared up at your boyfriend who straddled you, his hands on either side of your head.

Red boomed on your face.

What even spurred this action? It just came out of nowhere! Well, thing was, that Mammon was just as red as you.

'Cute, he's embarrassed...'

"Mammon?" You asked, confused by whatever he planned on doing.

He stayed silent as if mustering up the courage to speak without stuttering.

"...Ya mean a lot to me, I hope ya know that," you nodded at his words. "So like... don't ever leave me."

Your heart thumped wildly in your chest at his words. When he leaned down, you immediately brought him into a gentle kiss that wordlessly said you wouldn't be leaving him anytime soon.

When he pulled back, he laid the front of his head against yours, taking in the shining (E/C) eyes he adored and how full of love and warmth they held. He was the only man in your eyes— both literally and figuratively. And the demon loved it.

"I don't ever plan on it."

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