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hello, im sorry i've been gone. I actually lost this account then got it back. I ended up makinga new one, I haven't posted yet, but i want to address somethings.

1) I'm not this same person anymore.
           I may wrap this story up ssoon and begin doing other stuff.

2) i'm writing stuff about Julie and the Phantoms on my other account, but I'm not going to post every single story, they aren't all post worthy.

3) i may pick up the rest of the loser stories, remmeber i said they all tie together, you just have to puzzle together.

4) yes, i am here to please you guys, but I also have to let myself grow and expand. being a people pleaser is very tiresome.

5) thank you all so so much for the support. i'm sorry that this has happened, I think i'm in a slump that's terrifying to be pulled out of but im trying.

6) I love you guys with my whole chest. thanks for being the only constant in my life.


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