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It was one thing to accept that she was gone. And that was one thing that he wasn't ready to do. How could a man that so loved a woman be ready to move on when she left? How could he carry on when the only sunshine in his life was gone. He had admitted that there would never be sunshine without her. Every day was harder than the first and he was barely holding on.

Yes he had kids that made his hands full but still he had time to be lonely and think so much about her. Every moment since the day she left was a moment to think about her. What made it worse is that at every corner of their house was a memory that they had made. every time he looked around he could feel her, see her, smell her. Even the children were a complete reminder of her.

As much as he had all the help he'd ever need with the children he always turned it down because bonding with them to him felt like bonding with his wife. The wonderful woman she was. The way she had valued their lives above hers. He felt closer to her through his children, even more than he'd ever admit to. However the fact that he missed her so bad messed up his head. He felt like he was partly responsible for her being gone and regrets became like sweet music in his ears.

Everyday was harder than the other as he faced new struggles without her. The only comfort he had was from the two bundles of joy that she sacrificed herself up to the last minute for. He sighed as his alarm went off. He hadn't slept all night and he was tired but really sleep just didn't favor him. He dragged himself to the room right next to him where the children were. He was supposed to take them in for check ups and he was determined to make it there early as if he got late he'd have to wait longer in line.

As he was dressing his daughter he noticed that she had a slightly higher than normal temperature and her tiny hands were almost like holding her chest as she was breathing. He thought she looked adorable as he admired her almost adult like posture. Suddenly she coughed and wailed so loudly that she woke up her brother and her uncle who walked in sluggishly to see what was going on. Max looked at the crying baby in Vins' hands and smiled as he took her from him. He slowly shushed her as he walked out of the room so that Vins would dress the other twin.

Max was in the kitchen warming a bottle for Majeste and Myron when Vins walked in. He seemed so tired as if he would fall asleep on his feet. Max was checking him out when Majeste coughed and started wailing again then all of a sudden she vomited.

Jonathan had been so restless since the last time he saw the brokenness in Vins' eyes. What made him more restless was the fact that he had a feeling something bad was going to happen, not just to the family but to him as well. He was pacing up and down in his Chicago apartment trying to figure out what and why. He had questions with no answers and no one to give answers. He expected God to be straight forward with him and give answers but he got none. It was now morning and he had next to no sleep for nights now. The ringing of his phone was what brought him out of his train of thoughts. He couldn't help but smile when he looked at the caller ID.

"Hey Mama,"

"Oh hush you boy before you tell me that you missed me and we both know you did not."

He smiled at the wisdom of his mother. She knew him enough to know when he was about to lie about something. In all honesty however he missed the woman. It had slipped his mind however in the last couple of days since he returned to town. Hearing her at that moment made him realize that he did miss her, after all she had been the figure he grew up knowing and seeing.

"Okay mama, I did not miss you at all. And I'm being sarcastic might I add." He said rolling his eyes.

"Oh my boy, I missed you too but you never let your poor mama know when you got back." He rolled his eyes again with a smile on his face as he waited for the woman to rant.

WIDOWED(A sequel to Five days without you)Where stories live. Discover now