Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating my foxy x reader story, but I have no ideas!
So in this jeremike story, it's will be AU (alternate universe)
So, they're the same age! Hope you guys like it!

-Jeremy's POV
"YOU FUCKING LITTLE PEICE OF SHIT! I WISH YOU WOULD DIE!" My father screamed behind my door. I was sobbing into my hands. I want to get out if this place, but I don't have enough money- wait, I'll get a job. I stood up, my hands trembling and got changed Into some better clothes. I walked into my bathroom and washed my face, so it didn't look like I was crying.

When I got ready I peeked through my door, and my father was sleeping in the couch from being drunk. I slowly and quietly walked downstairs and opened the door and closed it. My anxiety started acting up what if I don't get the job?! I sighed and shook the thought away, and started walking to anywhere. About 30 minutes into walking I saw a sign saying

Help wanted!
Freddy Fazbears pizzeria
Looking for a new night guard
Call 888-faz-fazbear or talk to management

I took the sign and looked at the address. Okay, I'm getting this job. I walked until I found it, man, I used to go here as a kid! That's until my mom died... Anyway, getting to the point of getting the job, Jeremy. I gently pushed the doors and walked up to the management desk. The man at the desk must've heard me and looked up "what do you want, kid?" I took a deep breath "I-I came here t-to sign up f-for t-the new n-night guard" he nodded and motioned me to follow him "you came just in time, because it starts at 12, and it's 11:35" he walked into a big office

I looked and saw a man on a DS playing pokemon "ahem, Mike, the new guy is here" he looked up and narrowed his eyes "you never said anything about a new guy, boss" the boss waved and closed the door (A/N- yes, there's a door) Mike grumbled and stood up, and then pulled out a chair "sit down, kid" I nodded and sat down "what's ya name?" "J-Jeremy..." I said quietly, at which he chuckled "you shy?" I nodded.

"Ok, Jeremy, let me explain what we have to do. So, check the cameras to see if the animatronics moved" my eyes went wide "t-those things... M-move?!" He nodded, as if confused "anyway... Wind up the music box, so the puppet doesn't come, and if any animatronics are in the hallway, flash the light. Oh, and if they're in the vent, put the mask on" I nodded, taking all of this in

"I'm sure you'll survive, your different than the others" I blushed, different "h-how am I-I different, and w-why me?" He chuckled "I can tell you'll make it, I can see it in you" confused, I nodded. A little sound went off which made me jump "12, the job starts" Mike told me. Ok, check the cameras and wind the box up, got it. As I checked the cameras, I saw the blue bunny in the party room and panicked "u-uh M-Mike!"

He turned to me "t-the bunny I-is in t-the p-party room" he out a hand in my shoulder "calm down, he's not in the vent so there's no problem" I nodded, still slightly afraid, but reassured by the words Mike said.

-Mikes POV

Oh man, Jeremy looks so damn cute. Does this classify as cheating on my girlfriend Doll? No, because she's fucking cheating on me. I'm gonna break up with her anyway. "So kid, got a girlfriend?" Damn it I don't think I should've asked that "n-no... I-I'm gay" I smiled at that "that's great- I mean, that's great for you" he smiled at me "y-you know, n-not a-anyone can m-make me smile" he said, and I chuckled

Jeremy was checking the cameras when all the colour went out if his face "B-Bonnie's in the vent" I quickly opened the draw in the desk and grabbed two masks "put it on, quickly" he grabbed one and I grabbed one, and we both put it on. Bonnie looked at us for a while and Jeremy was shaking

When we both took of our masks Jeremy looked so frightened. He looked at me, his eyes full of fear and my first reaction was to hug him "it's alright, kid. Your safe with me... I promise" I pulled away and smiled, and his cheeks were red. He smiled back and the 6 AM bell went off "well, I'll see you tomorrow night kid. If you need anything, just call me"

I gave him my number and he nodded, then grabbed a pen and paper and wrote something. He then gave it to me "t-this I-is my number" I nodded and took it "bye" I waved and walked to my car. When I got inside I instantly remember what I had to do. I had to break up with Doll. When I arrived home I saw dolls phone on the table buzzing with messages.

I read them and... She was cheating on me. My eyes were filling with tears, threatening to spill, and then I heard the door open "Mike what are you doing with me phone?" Doll asked. I turned to her, my fresh tears in my face "y-you were cheating on me, I knew it" I threw the phone down "M-Mike calm down!" I growled "get out" she walked towards me "calm do-" "I SAID GET OUT" I pushed her

Doll had left and I was on the couch, alone and sad, when I remembered Jeremy gave me his number. I needed some company, so I called, and he picked up "h-hello?" I sighed "h-hey Jeremy, could y-you come over?" My voice was cracking "I-I don't k-know where y-you live, Mike" I forgot that "I-I live 21 wollybutt road (random :3)" I heard him being somewhat surprised "y-you live a-across m-me... I-I'll be right o-over"

After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door, so I got up and opened it. Jeremy looked at me and his eyes softened "M-Mike, w-what happened?" He hugged me "I-I checked my girlfriends p-phone because it was buzzing like crazy, and she was cheating on me..." I started crying again and I pulled away from the hug "M-Mike, h-how can I help?" I sighed. There where many ways he could help, one if them being that he loved me but... That wouldn't happen "m-maybe move in with me?" His eyes lighted up and he smiled, and nodded "I'll get my stuff" wait "you didn't stutter!" He gasped "I-I didn't? I-it doesn't really m-matter. I-I'm gonna get my stuff"

I smiled. Jeremy's living with me, I can't believe it. Maybe he does like me
Maybe he...
Loves me

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