Chapter 4

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-Mike's POV

Jeremy and I were in the car driving to work, laughing and chatting. We finally arrived and Jeremy hugged me, of course, I hugged him back. We walked inside and Jeremy got the camera and the music box and I got the flashlight. I turned to Jeremy and his face was pale "Jeremy, you okay?" "T-there's a-a m-man" he chocked out. I looked at the camera, and sure enough, there was a man.

He was purple and had a gold badge, and was looking at the camera "I'm coming for you Jeremy" I heard him say. Shit! I can't let him get Jeremy. "M-Mike, he's c-coming f-for me" I hugged him "Jeremy, I will protect you with my life, I promise" he nodded and I let go "I'll kill him if I have too"

-Time Skip!

I flashed the light in the hallway and saw he exact same guy. Purple guy, I shall call him. "I told you I was coming for Jeremy" he walked into the office and I growled, putting Jeremy behind me "you have to get through me to get him" I said, through my clenched teeth "oh, I'll just take him" he disappeared and I heard Jeremy "M-MIKE!" I turned and saw the purple guy with Jeremy "get your hands off him"

The purple guy chuckled and punched Jeremy in the stomach, and Jeremy fell down, and started crying.

I then blacked out

-Jeremy's POV

I could see through my blurry vision that mikes eyes had turned black with white pupils "M-Mike...?" He started to punch the purple guy "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE TOUCH JEREMY! HES MY EVERYTHING! NEXT TIME YOU TOICH HIM, YOU DIE" he growled and kept punching "M-Mike! S-Stop!" He didn't hear me "M-MIKE" I started to get angry "MIKE! STOP PUNCHING HIM!" I screamed. Mike turned to me, his eyes normal "I-I'm sorry Jeremy" and he fell down

The purple guy had disappeared and it was past 6. I need it get him home! I picked him up, he wasn't that heavy. I carried him to the car and put him in the passengers seat. I buckled him and then got to my side and did the same. I drive home and set Mike down on the couch

-Mikes POV

I was in the parts and service room with Jeremy, and the purple guy, and foxy. "Foxy, finish the job" foxy lunged at me, but Jeremy took the bite. I looked at foxy, with anger in my eyes "how could you" I growled, walking towards him "HOW COULD YOU" I threw a punch at his jaw "WHY FOXY? DO YOU WANT HIM DEAD? NOT GONNA HAPPEN, BUDDY!" I punched at his exposed wires "and as for you" I turned to the purple guy and punched his jaw, then his stomach, and then kicked the place where the sun don't shine.

I walked over to Jeremy "J-Jeremy" I fell on my knees "J-Jeremy" I sobbed into my hands

He can't be dead...
He can't

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