Chapter 7

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Okay, you guys better be happy
ONTO THE CHAPTER! Mike, take it away!

-Mike's POV

It was 11:30 "JERE! ARE YOU CHANGED?!" I yelled, and he came out "y-yeah..." Oh crap, don't yell Mike! "Sorry for yelling Jere" I hugged him and he chuckled "I-it's fine" I let go "c'mon, work awaits!" He took my hands and I led him to the car, the refreshing breeze blowing through my face.

We did the normal routine, and I turned on the radio. A random song came on. I drove to the pizzeria and we got out. Jere my took my hand and squeezed it, and I smiled "it's going to be fine" I tried to calm him, and it worked. We walked inside, and it sent shivers down my spine.

We entered the office and the 12AM chime went off "time to work at hell" I mumbled. Jeremy checked the cameras and bonnie had moved to the party room. Foxy was in the hallway, which broth that horrible nightmare back, but I shook it off. I flashed the light at him and eventually he left

I checked the vents and Bonnie was In the right one "Jeremy, mask, now" we both grabbed a mask and out it on our faces. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Bonnie looked at us, and left. I took a death breath and took the mask off.

Jeremy took it off a few seconds later, breathing rapidly. I out my hand on his shoulder "it's fine, don't worry" he nodded, and winded up the music box

*~ Time Skip ~*

Jeremy and I were sitting on the couch when I got a text from


I picked up my phone and checked the text

Doll: why don't you leave that wimp Jeremy and come back to me?

Ugh, not this bullshit again. I groaned and locked my phone. I put my head on Jeremy's shoulder, who was currently watching something like anime? Yeah, I guess

I closed my eyes, in attempt to sleep, but kept getting an image of doll beating Jeremy up. I got up "hey Jeremy, I'm gonna get some water, want something" he shook his head "ok then"

I went to the kitchen and got a cup and went to the tap, and turned the knob. I watched the clear liquid fill the cup. I put the cold glass up to my mouth and the water flowed through my throat. Maybe that'll help. I went back to the living room and out my head back on Jeremy's shoulder

And I finally got some sleep...

But not the good type

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