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Daichi explained to Kenma how there was a report saying something had happened to his boat while out at sea and that Kenma had died from it. "Huh." Kenma sat down on the floor, crossing his legs.

"So I died. That's cool." He shrugged. "Anyways. You guys said you were here to help out with my research?" Kenma raised an eyebrow. The others nodded, or gave a quiet noise of confirmation. "Alright. First off, you guys are going to need a place to sleep."

He stood up. "I have a friend named Kiyoko who doesn't live too far from here. She has a pretty big house, and let's people who visit the island stay there." He said. "Although. I have a guest room here if anyone would rather stay here." Nobody spoke up. "Alright. Let's go over to Kiyoko's." Kenma said.

The others all got up and followed Kenma to the door. They put their shoes on and followed Kenma down the pathway that was littered with sand. It only took about five minutes to get to Kiyoko's house. Kenma knocked on the door, and they were soon greeted by her.

"Hey Kenma. Who are these few?" She asked, looking over his shoulder at the others. "They came to help with my research. My house isn't big enough, so I was wondering if they could stay here." Kenma explained. "Oh. Of course they can." Kiyoko stepped out of the way and invited the guests into the house.

"Whoa. It's kinda fancy." Nishinoya admired. "Yeah." Tanaka nodded.

Kiyoko, Kenma and Daichi went off into their own conversation as the others began exploring the house.

Oikawa, being himself, claimed one of the larger rooms as his own. Because he's a bitch like that.

Kageyama picked the smallest room he could find. He didn't have a lot of stuff, and would rather have energetic people like Nishinoya and Tanaka in a bigger room.

Shirabu and Nishinoya ended up sharing a room for "supervision". Nishinoya was small and energetic, so it kind of made sense.

Akaashi ended up in a middle sized room not too far away from the staircase. (He wanted the small room, but Kageyama got to it first.)

Tanaka ended up in a room on the first floor. It wasn't too large or too small, but it was on the smaller side. He didn't mind it. There was a good view of the small, nature-based town from the window.

Daichi also ended up on the first floor. His room was on the larger side, but once again, wasn't too large. He didn't have much, so he was grateful for the bookshelf that didn't make the room seem as empty.

The group went back with Kenma to get their stuff and brought it back to Kiyoko's house. Afterwards, they all said goodbye and promised to meet up by the water the next morning.

Kiyoko had offered to make them dinner, but Daichi had insisted he did it seeing as how they were guests. It ended up with Daichi doing the cooking.

Oikawa was in his room. He looked out the window and into the water. Something about it was so...compelling. He wanted to go outside and see what it was.

Should he?

I might start naming the chapters. If so, that means I'll go back and name the ones I've already released. Should I?

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