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"All I saw was some plastic. Strange, seeing as how this town is all about protecting the environment." Akaashi said, drawing circles on the table with his pointer finger.

"Same." Nishinoya's tone was bland and boring. He had his hand on his cheek as he stared off into the distance.

Suddenly, a voice called out, "Kenma!" All of the males looked up, except Kenma. "Who's that?" Tanaka pointed to the tall male running down towards the sand.

"Lev. I'm supposed to be helping him with his diving training." Kenma said, not looking up from his phone.

The male stopped by the group and bowed. "Ah! It's nice to meet you all!" He said. Kenma rolled his eyes.

"Oikawa, Akaashi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Shirabu, Daichi, Kageyama." Kenma pointed to each male. "Ah! So you guys are Kenma's teammates." The taller smiled at them. He began talking to Kenma about something Akaashi couldn't bother to make out.

Akaashi stood up. "I'm going to go for a quick walk." He said. "Special reason?" Tanaka asked. Akaashi shrugged. "Just feel like it."

He dragged his feet across the sand for a little until he found the will to actually walk. He headed off into the distance.

His mind was still stuck on the plastic. Who lives in an environment like this and throws plastic into the ocean? Then again, Akaashi never understood why people didn't use trashcans. They had it in the name, TRASHcan.

He found a peaceful area and sat down in the sand. He took out his phone and took a photo of the ocean. It was calm, and you could see it all the way until the sky seemed to collide with it.

He put his phone away and gazed out at the ocean. He felt drawn toward it. A small smile made its way onto his face.

Time seemed to pass quickly as Akaashi got up and continued his walk by the ocean.

He heard footsteps, which stole his attention away from the ocean. He turned around to see Shirabu. "Come on. We're heading back soon." He said. Akaashi nodded. He followed Shirabu back towards the others. He looked back at the ocean as they walked.

What would they discover down in the water?

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