Is It Worth It?

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Buckle up, this is a LOOOOOOONGGG chapter

"Hurry it up, kid. You've got twenty-three orders waiting." Squidward complained, not looking up from his magazine.

"Not a kid, I'm just cheerful." I whispered under my breath, trying to hold it together.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just hurry up." He said, flipping the magazine page.
"Can you fucking not be such a pessimist for once?"
"It's funny."
"I don't remember asking for your opinion on how I should live my daily life."
It was just another boring day at the Krusty Krab.
I'd gotten up late, and didn't have time to take my meds, so I brought them with me. I could've just been an extra twenty seconds late, but nooo. That's to easy.
And, of course, I couldn't find time to take them, with orders that have been here for a while to be taken care of.
I flipped the patties on the grill.
The glass door at the front opened and shut with a click.
I sighed.
I wish I had gone to college for something else, like science, or engineering. One where I could get a real job.
Mr. Krabs scuttled in.
"Spongebob! Where are me patties? All me customers are leavin! With the money! Hurry it up, kid!"
"I woke up late, adult." I seethed through my teeth, trying not to slap him.
For his information, I forgot to set an alarm.
"Just hurry up! Me money is walking out the door!" He said, going back into his office.
"JuSt HuRrY uP." I mocked quietly. "I swear, I'm going to lose it if I'm made fun of one more time." I said, getting some patties ready.
I put them on a plate and put a smile on my face.
I took them to the customers.
There wasn't enough for everyone, so I went back to make more.
"Hey, kid! Wheres my Krabby Patty?" A customer shouted at me.
"Sir you'll have to wait," I said, a slightly passive-aggressive tone in my voice, smiling widely at him.
"Yeah! Wheres his patty at kid?" Another yelled over me.
I stopped, my eye twitching.
"Wait," I muttered angrily.
"I've been here for an hour, kid! Where's mine?"
I tried to calm down. "I've said it three times now. More will be on the way in a couple of minutes."
"How can we trust you? I was told I'd be served twenties minutes ago! Pull them magically out of your sleeves or-or something! I'm starving!"
"That's not how-"
"Stop chatting, get me a burger already."
I threw my hat on the ground.
"I'm done with this!" I shouted everyone who wasn't already turned towards me.
Squidward looked up from his magazine, slightly amused and definitely curious.
"I'm not a kid, for crying out loud!"
They laughed at my anger.
"Of course you're a kid, what adult Is that cheerful?" Someone said.
"Exactly, kid." Another replied.
I threw my pill jar to the ground, breaking it and spilling on the floor. "What kid take meds for depression?" I shouted. "All I'm trying to do is make people happy, because I can't be. If you don't appreciate me, I might as well not try." I said, on the verge of tears.
The crowd closed in on me.
"If you feel so unwelcomed, why don't you die?" Someone said sarcastically.
Before long, the whole restaurant was telling me to kill myself.
"Yeah! Hang yourself!"
"Jump off a building!"
"Go to the surface!"
"Drink bleach!"
Tears came to my eyes, rolling down my cheeks.
"If it's what makes you happy," I said shakily. These people didn't want my kindness, so I wouldn't give it to them.
"Spongebob! Wait!" Sandy yelled.
Squidward had the slightest bit of worry in his face. Why would he care though?
People said I wouldn't do it. I would be too scared.
They would think of me as a joke, no matter what.
And when would it be any different?
That's right. Never.
I'm just a stupid kid.
Nothing more.
They really think their words will beat me down, don't they?
Well, they're right.
I'm nothing but a childish nuisance.
I don't deserve this planet.
I'll just leave it like they're telling me to.
A knife sounds quite appealing.
That'd be easy.
I slammed my hand on the door, running out of the restaurant, and I ran until I got home.
I turned the silver wheel on the door and went inside, slamming my door shut behind me.
I face-planted into the sandy floor and began to sob.
"I-I'm not just a kid," I said to myself. "I'll show 'em. Then, if I'm gone, they'll be happy. That's all I want."
I looked at Gary.
"Gary, I'm sorry. You're the only one who stayed with me. You should leave before you have to see anything."
I stood up and opened the door so he could leave. "Hopefully you'll find someone who loves you as I did."
"Mrow." He left with that final word.
"Goodbye, Garebear." I shut the door.
Now to write a suicide letter.

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