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Here goes the New Year update!! I hope that you all enjoy and I'm sorry for the delay! By the way... am I the only who can't believe it's already 2015?! 



Ella's P.O.V 

*It's currently December 31, 2014.*       

           So, Liam and I decided to stay at his parent's place for New Year's and so did the Horan's. It's been a bit awkward and enjoyable these past few days. I love Maura and Bobby but Niall has just been very... I don't know.

I can't believe that this year is coming to an end! It's crazy how quick time flies by!

"You look beautiful." Liam complimented me as he looked at me through the mirror that I was looking at myself in. I was currently wearing a sparkly gold dress that goes down a little past mid-thigh, Liam bought it for me. 

He was wearing a nice black suit with a white button-up shirt.

"You look hot." I turned around to say to him before walking over to the closet to get my heels.

After Liam and I were finally done getting ready we headed downstairs. Everyone instantly looked at us in awe. "You two look great." Geoff complimented. "Thanks. You all look great, too." I replied as Niall watched my every move making me a little nervous.

"We all know that you're the hottest person here." Liam whispered in my ear and I smiled before leaning in to give him a peck on the lips. But a cough stopped me. I pulled away to see that it was Niall.

"Let's go turn on the T.V. I'm sure that a lot of amazing artist are going to preform." Karen said leadng us into the living room but I didn't follow. "I'll be right back, I just need to go to the bathroom." I said to liam before walking away to see Niall standing in front it.

"May I go to the restroom?" I asked. "No." He answered in a cold tone.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You've been acting weird around me and just staring at Liam and I all this time." I snapped. "Like you don't fucking know, Ella. I gave you that letter and you come to rub your relationship in my face. I can't take this. I love you, Ella and it hurts to see you with someone else when that should be me." He answered with so much hurt and emotion.

"What are you talking about? I'm not trying to rub anything in your face and I didn't even get to read the letter. Liam burned it before I had the chance to." I said and his features became unreadable.

"Fucking bastard." He growled looking away from me.

"Niall, what happened between us?" I asked curiously and desperately. He looked into my eyes for a few seconds before giving me an answer.

"Nothing." He simply answered with no emotion before walking away from me.

No, that can't be true. The way he looks at me and the way everyone talks about us says that something definitely went down between us.


It is currently 11:55pm and we've been jamming along to songs that the artists were singing on the T.V. while talking about things that happened this past year. It has been a really good few hours.

"Okay, does everyone have their twelve grapes?" Karen asked. "Yes." Everyone answered at the same time. 

"Does everyone have a glass of wine?" She asked. "Yes." Everyone answered, once again.

Before we knew it we were counting down the seconds until the new year.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" Everyone shouted with joy before grabbing their partner and giving them a kiss. 

Liam instantly crashed his lips against mine before wrapping his arms around my waist. I placed one hand on his cheek and one in his hair. After a few more seconds we pulled away and I saw Niall eating his grapes like a little loner.

I walked over to him a gave him a kiss on the cheek and his face instantly lit up.

"Happy New Year, Niall." I said with a smile before eating my grapes with him. Liam looked a little pissed but oh, well.

After we were all done with our grapes we grabbed our wine glasses.

"To the new year!" Geoff said before lifting his glass. "To the new year." We all responded and did the same. Then we all went around hugging each other saying 'Happy New Year.'

Suddenly the doorbell rang and we all went to open it. There stood a pizza delivery guy and we all looked at each in confusion.

"We ordered this pizza last year! You are so late!" Niall bursted out of nowhere and we all laughed. "Nice one, Niall." I said between laughs. We payed for the pizza and all of us suddenly got hungry. Then ate it all.

I know, fat people problems.


Hi, guys. i hope that you enjoyed and I'm sorry that this wasn't very eventful. But hey, I tried my best. I'm really tired and busy, right now. So, sorry... Tell me what you think in the comments.



         Thanks Loves <3

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