Chapter 1

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Amy woke up and changed into her normal outfit. She cooked herself pancakes. Her phone had six new messages from Sonic. She deleted all of them and blocked him on everything she could find. She walked outside and went to Twilight Park. She sat on a bench and just sat there like a machine without a purpose. Suddenly a blue blur went by and went back. "Hey Ames!" Sonic greeted happily. Amy didn't respond and just sat there emotionless. "Hey, sorry about last night." Sonic said rubbing the back of his neck. She just stayed neutural. "If you want to go on a date some other time maybe we could..." Sonic said trailing off. "Why?! So you can stand me up again and leave me alone broken hearted?! Stay away from me Sonic the hedgehog!" Amy growled jumping up and walking away. Sonic stood there shocked by this sudden outburst. He caught up withAmy. "Ames, I'm really sorry. I feel bad." Sonic tried. "No you don't! If you did you wouldn't have stood me up over and over again! Guess what Sonic, your chances are out! Stay away from me or so help me Sonic." Amy threatened through gritted teeth and she stomped away. Sonic stood there frozen. He came back to reality and hung his head and his ears went back. He walked home sadly. Amy walked behind a tree and was crying. She calmed herself down. "Stop it Amy! He's not worth it. He's just a no good, worthless, hedgehog who isn't worth your time or tears. Pull yourself together Amy." Amy told herself through gritted teeth. She took a deep breath and got up. She walked to a tree and climbed it. She sat in it emotionless. She just sat there staring at nothing, thinking of nothing, and doing nothing. She felt like a extra puzzle piece in the world and that she didn't belong. She pondered her choices of what she could do to stop the pain, perminately. "Hey Rose." Shadow said on the ground noticing the shell of te hedgehog he once knew. "Oh, hey Shadow." Amy said emotionless. Shadow's eyebrow's furrowed together. He climbed the tree and sat next to Amy.

"Faker huh?" Shadow asked. "Yeah. I'm so done woth this heartbreak Shadow. I just want the hurt to go away, forever. I just want to be loved again Shadow. I want someone who will except me for me. Who won't run away from me. Who won't mind what I do. Who will really love me, for me." Amy said sadly. She knew she made the right choice in her anti-love choice. Shadow hugged her. "It's okay Rose. It might take a while but you'll find the right guy. True love just doesn't come out of nowhere. It takes a while to form but it does. Trust me." Shadow promised. Amy gently pulled away breaking free from his loose grasp. "That's the thing Shadow, I've given up on love. I don't want it anymore." Amy said and she jumped down and ran out of sight not wanting to hear Shadow's feedback. Shadow just sat there frozen. He felt like he just got stabbed in the heart and he was left to die alone. The truth was, he loved Amy and she hated her chasing after Sonic. He was happy he gave up on the blue rat but was deeply saddened that she gave up on love completely. He jumped down and hung his head and his ears went back. He walked around mindlessly. He ran into someone. "Shadow! Watch where you're goin'!" Sonic snaps almost falling down. Shadow stares at him hatred filled in his eyes. "It's all your fault Faker! Amy has become an empty shell of nothingness because of you and you're stupidity! She has given up on love because you broke her heart! Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you now!" Shadow demands angrily. "Because, then I'll never be able to try and help you fix this mess I've made. I know I've messed up and I feel awful. You're right, I was stupid and now she hates me. I did this to her and we're gonna fix it. Together." Sonic says proudly. Shadow narrows his eyes but nods slightly in agreement. Shadow just wants his Rose to be whole again.

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