Chapter 17

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Jughead and I were in the library looking at online posters of the missing Jones twin when the rest of our friend group came in.

Betty: Hey guys. You guys ok?

Gemma: Ya we are fine why?

Betty: Because maybe the fact that you went to talk with Jug here and never came back so do you have a reason for that.

Jughead: We were talking about my missing sister and who it might be.

Gemma: We found an online poster but you guys can look at it because I have to go and meet a friend and also FaceTime call my other friends.

And with that I left the room and went to talk with Evelyn.

I saw Evelyn at the bleachers talking to someone about something a few minutes later but once she saw me she left whoever she was talking to and went to me.

Evelyn: Hey I wanted to ask you if you felt like coming with me to the farm?

Gemma: I would honestly love that.

Evelyn: Perfect lets go then.

She linked arms with me and I went with her to the farm but little did I know that my friends had actually followed me to see where I was going.

Betty's POV:

We followed Gemma after she left to see who this friend she was going to was and I got a shock when I saw Evelyn go up to her.

Betty: Why is she with Evelyn?

Veronica: You did say they target vulnerable people and to me Gemma is top of the list.

Jughead: I agree.

Betty: Why would you guys say that?

Jughead: Come on Bets think about it. She ran away at the age of 13 because of her dad and her dad's friends raping and abusing her , her mom was shot , her dad was the person who shot her mom and her brother was a being mean to her. That to me is saying that she's vulnerable.

Betty: Ok you guys are right but I don't want to lose my mom, sister and best friend because of this stupid cult that they call a farm.

Veronica: We can try talk her out of joining.

Jughead: Lets hope we can.

Gemma's POV:

We arrived at the farm and all I thought about before I went in was a lot of questions. Questions like wondering if I will lose my friends doing this or even Archie. I put all these thoughts in the back of my mind and just said in my head "here goes nothing" and I went in.

Sorry guys for such slow updates I am trying to update as much as possible but sometimes it's hard because of everything going on where I live and I hope you guys understand. 💕❤️

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