Michelle's P.O.VThe new team is looking good. Mostly everyone from the original team is on there but... I have a feeling that not everyone will be happy.
Amanda's P.O.V
Lucien is going to be happy to hear that I made the team.. Me getting onto the team is just the beginning.
Hunter's P.O.V
Yo! I am so excited to be on the Nationals team! We are going to win Nationals! I can feel it!
Thalia's P.O.V
Honestly, I never thought I would actually get onto this team. I mean, going to Nationals with these people is gonna be amazing!
Camille's P.O.V
The rules must've changed this year because J-Troupers are never allowed on A-Troupe until us J-Troupers have been through B-Troupe.
Richelle's P.O.V
I'm not shocked that I'm on the Nationals team. I mean, Come on. If I want to be dance captain someday and lead my team to victory, the Nationals team is the first step. This is just amazing. Choosing Camille and I out of all the J-Troupers... I mean.. Gabi and Becca should've made it too... Then we could have 4 alternates but, I guess Miss Kate didn't want 4 alternates... Oh shoot. I have to tell Gabi and Becca that they're in charge of the J-Troupers now that I'm technically in A-Troupe.
Emily's P.O.V
It seems that everyone is happy with the Nationals team. Well... Execpt for Steph and Tiff.
"I can't believe you did this!" Tiff says.
"Yeah. You picked Richelle and Camielle over us?! How could you?!" Steph says.
"Guys, It was Kate's idea to have J-Troupers on the team, not mine.." I say.
"Whatever. I'm out of here. Come on, Tiff." I watch Stephanie and Tiffany walk out of the studio then sigh.
Riley's P.O.V
I'm happy that I'm an alernate on the Nationals team. That gives me plenty of time for my ankle to heal.
Emily's P.O.V
~The Next Day~
I walk downstairs and grab my keys then walk outside and get in my car. I'm going to the mall to get National team uniform ideas. Maybe something in the mall will help me get inspired for our uniforms.
I park my car in the underground parking lot then get out and lock the car. I walk into the mall and see Amanda talking to Tess and Lucien. I knew it. I knew something was going on. I get close enough so I can hear but also close enough where they can't see me.
"So, how's the plan going?" Lucien asks. "Are they suspecting anything?"
"Nope. They just announced the Nationals team. I'm the alernate and Riley is the other alernate but, if I leave soon, Riley won't be able to dance because she broken her ankle." I hear Amanda say.
"Ha! She deserves it! She can't dance! I mean, did you see her at Regionals?! She messed up the routine!" I hear Tess laughing. Urgh. Imma kill Tess.
I'm just about to walk over to them when someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see two mall sercurity guards standing in front of me.
"Emily Burton?" One of them asks.
"Yeah? What's going on?" I ask.
"Can I have a look inside your bag please?" The other one asks.
"Uh. Sure?" I say, handing my bag over.
"Emily Burton, You're under arrest. Hands behind your back."
"But, I didn't do anything!" I say.
"Yeah Yeah. Save it for the judge, sweetheart."
I put my hands behind my back and walk with the guards to the sercurity office. What the hell did Amanda do? I saw her smirking at me when the guards showed up. This has Amanda written all over it.
A/N Sorry I haven't updated! My neighbours are being super loud and I keep getting headaches everyday and never get the chance to update! Tomorrow, I go back to school so I won't be updating this book everyday. It will be update every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday, I watch PLL, Dancemoms and Switched at birth so, I can't update on Tuesdays. Thrusdays, I get out early but, I have to pack on Thrusdays because that's the only day I get out of school early enough. So yeah. Next chappie will be up tomorrow!
Love you guys!
Dancer with an attitude *Fourth book to the 'falling for you' series**FINISHED*