Chapter 15

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A/N Just so you guys know, there will be 5 more chapters before I end this book.. I don't know if I'm making a fifth one or not...It totally depends on if you guys REALLY want a fifth book... Because if you don't want a fifth book, I have to make an ending to this book and I may have a HUGE writers block if I end this book.. So yeah. If I get at least 10 comments saying that you guys want a fifth book, I'll make one. If I get less than 10 comments, Chapter 20 in this book will be the end of the series... Its really up to you guys.. Anyways, on with the chapter. This one will be short and I'm sorry for that.

Michelle's P.O.V

When Emily runs in and says that Riley may have broken her ankle, my heart drops. We can't lose a dancer before nationals. That just doesn't look good for us. If we lose Riley AND another dancer, we're toasted. Which means, If someone else gets hurt, we would have any other dancers to take that persons place. And, we can't forfit.. We really can't.

We all run into the studio Riley is in and Emily is the first one to comfort her.

"Riles, It's going to be okay. I'll take you to the doctors and see what they say about your ankle. Right now, you need to rest it." Em says, looking at all of us then Riley.

Emily's P.O.V

~2 hours later... At the doctor's office~

"Well, It seems to me that your sister has badly broken her ankle and she won't be able to dance." The doctor says, taking the x-rays down from the board.

"How long... until she can dance again..?" I ask.

"It's hard to say. She could be out of dance forever..."

"WHAT?!" I look at Riley and I can see shes both sad and mad.

"Urgh. This is all your guys fault! If YOU didn't push me so hard, none of this would've happened!" Riley looks at me, really angry. I can't blame her. Michelle and I have been pushing her a lot..

"Riley, I understand that you're mad but, We're only pushing you because we need you to be the best when we're at nationals." I say, trying to be calm.

My phone buzzes and I look down at it.

3 new messages and 2 missed calls.

I look at the messages first.

Hey.. It's Michelle. Just wanted to know how Riley is... Text me back ASAP!

Hey... It's Kate... Please update me on Riley when you can...

Yo! It's James. Just wanted to know how Riles is doing... Text me back.. Please..\

I decide to text Michelle back first.

Hey Mitchie. Riley is fine... She broke her ankle and won't be able to dance for awhile...

Then I text back Miss Kate and James.

Miss Kate, Riley may not be able to dance for awhile...

James, Riley is fine. Except for the fact that she won't be able to dance for awhile.

I then call back Steph and Hunter and fill them in on everything.

This isn't going to be easy running National team auditions without Riley in the studio dancing with us...

A/N Sorry it was short. Please comment if you want a fifth book to this series... 10 comments = fifth book.. Less than 10 comments = fourth book is the last book of the series.

Love you guys so much!


Dancer with an attitude *Fourth book to the 'falling for you' series**FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now