Chapter 20 *LAST CHAPTER :(*

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Emily's P.O.V

"N-no. I think I hurt my ankle." Sierna says, looking up at me. I sigh and look at her.

"Where's your coach? I'm taking your place." I say.

"Em... I don't know if my coach will let you do that.. She's very.. uh... mean... harsh... She'll push you until you're black and blue."

"Sirena, You're already black and blue! Look at you. She's pushing you so hard that you hurt your ankle. I know what it's like, Sirena. I used to play hockey.. Remember? Maybe your coach knows who I am.." I say, calmly.

"Alright. It's worth a try."

Hunter's P.O.V

It's been over 20 minutes since Em went to go check on Sierna. I'm starting to get worried.. If she's not here in the next 5 minutes, I'm going after her.

Emily's P.O.V

Sierna calls in her coach and looks at me worried.

"SIRENA! WHY AREN'T YOU LACING UP YOUR SKATES?! YOU'RE MY STAR PLAYER!" I hear her coach scream as soon as she comes into the bathroom.

"Coach, please. Just listen." Sierna starts. "This is Emily, my brother's girlfriend... She wants to take my place on the ice because I hurt my ankle coming out of the bathroom stall. You have to let her play! She's amazing and she won't let you down! She's tough, Coach. Please trust me!"

Coach Robertson looks at me then Sierna then me again.

"Alright, Fine." She says, turning to face me. "But, you BETTER work your BUTT off because this team that we're going against... They're tough. Real tough. I need you to take goalie for the first half of the game, okay?"

I nod and run out to where Hunter is.

"Hunter." I say.

"Em! What's wrong?!"

"Sierna. She hurt her ankle. I need my skates. Can you text Riley and ask her to bring them?"


"Just do it. Please."

He nods and pulls out his phone to text Riley.

Minutes later, Riley comes running in, handing me my hockey skates. I give her a hug then run back to where Coach Robertson and Sierna are. I see Coach Robertson standing with the rest of the team, talking about the game plan.

"Everyone, this is Emily Burton. She's taking Sierna's spot in the game tonight due to Sierna hurting her ankle." Coach says.

Everyone nods and whispers 'Heys'. Coach goes over the game plan one more time then looks at us.

"ALRIGHT GUYS. LETS GO OUT THERE AND KICK SOME ASS!!" Everyone screams and yells in excitement. I follow the girls onto the ice after putting on my goalie gear. I skate over to the goal and set my stick down in place. I see Hunter smiling at me and I try to stay forced but I can't help but smile back at him. I then get my game face back on.

~an hour later...~

The game is tied, 30-30. This is my last chance to show everyone that I can make Sierna's team win. I see the other team skating towards me really fast and I get into position and get ready to block. #7 shoots and I block the puck from going into the goal. I watch #8 on Sierna's team go towards the goal then she shoots and scores! We won the game! Sierna slowly gets onto the ice then runs over to me and hugs me.

"EMILY! WE WON! WE WON!" She screams. I see Coach, the rest of the team and Hunter all coming towards me. Coach hugs me after Sierna does then the team tackles me. Hunter helps me up after a few minutes then hugs me.

"Great job, Em!" Hunter says, spinning me around.

I giggle.

"Thanks." I say.

Riley's P.O.V

I'm currently at James' house helping him with Math homework and it's not going so well.

"James, You know this stuff." I say.

"It's just to hard to remember it all, Riles." He looks at me then his textbook and sighs.

"James, I know you can do this. I know you'll ace this exam.."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive.. How bout this. If you get at least a 95% on this exam, I'll book us a trip to Paris." I say, smiling.

"Really? Riles, you don't have to do that."

"Yes I do. If it makes you work harder."

He smiles and kisses me softly. His kisses always make me melt. I just hope he passes. Otherwise, no Paris.

Chloe's P.O.V

Right now, I'm looking at the studio for Daniel. I really need to stay something to him and I think he might freak out and tell Ellie. If he tells Ellie.... She's going to hate me. I finally see him in the music room, dancing to a ballet solo that Chris gave him before he got injured. I stand in the door way and watch.

Once he finishes, I smile and clap. He turns around, startled but smiles when he sees me.

"Oh hey Chlo. What's up?" He asks, grabbing his water bottle then starts walking towards me.

"Daniel.. There's something I have to say..."

"Sure, What is it, Chlo?"

I take a deep breath then sigh.

"IvelikedyoueversincewewerelittlebutIcouldnttellyoubecausesomeonewouldkillmeiftheyknewthatIlikeyou" I say really fast. He looks at me confused then I sigh again.

"I said. I've liked you ever since we were little but I couldn't tell you because someone would kill me if they knew that I like you."

He looks at me surprised then just randomly kisses me! Wait. Does this mean he likes me back..?

I pull away from the kiss, look at him and smile.

"Does this mean you feel the same way about me?" I ask.

He nods and smiles.

"You.. You backstabbing slut!" I hear someone say from the door way. I turn around to see Ellie standing in the doorway, crying her eyes out.

"Giselle I--"

"Save it, Chloe! We're not friends anymore!"

A/N Here is the last chapter! I was going to make it longer but, I didn't sorry. Anyways, The preview will be posted later on tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed this book! I can't wait to start writing the fifth book!

Love you guys..



Dancer with an attitude *Fourth book to the 'falling for you' series**FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now