The next day

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The  next morning is no different Dean trys to get his brother back in hunting it donest work

You hey babe what will your brother do if he  ever gets to move back  in with us
Sam get himself shot
You know that Sam is stil mad he almost  got you killed on a hunt 
You  hug Sam and he gives you those sad eyes like you know he would
You went off in the  house and was playing with your hellhound when Sam finally let's his brother back in not to move In just to see him
Your dog Luke runs out and bites Dean
Dean shit your dog
Crowley  you  mean hell hound
Dean why the hell do you have a hell hound
You because I wanted one
Dean whatever bye
Sam bye
Sam looks at you and the dog and he is so glad they taught Luke to bite Dean
Sam goes from bitchface to happy face real fast
Sam goes to bed around three and he comes in to you asleep and he trips over Luke and it wakes you up and you rush to sam side
You Sam babe baby you ok
Sam yeah I'm fine is the dog
You look down the dog is fine come to bed
Sam I was trying to do that
You and  Sam fall asleep and you cuddle up to Sam wants he has   went to sleep
You turn around and fall asleep

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