Were drunk leave us alone

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As you and Sam sit there drinking some more you look over at the time and it's 4:30 am
And you look at Sam and say we should go to bed Sam picks you up and throws you on the bed as he takes off his shirt you start to wonder not longer I had a one night stand with him he amazing .shit I'm drunk I didn't even. Drink that much
Sam. Babe thoughts are not to be said out loud
You were drunk leave us alone as you here a knock at the door
Sam silps his shirt back on and answers it
Sam cas
Cas Dean is with Cassie and he won't come hang out
Sam i have a drunk girlfriend my dumbass of a brother can wait a day
Cas fine
Sam goodnight
When. Sam. Comes back in he sees you on his side Sam picks you up and put you on him since you won't stay on your side of the bed
You wake up to be in front of Sam and Sam having his arms around your waist
You fall back over and cuddle up to him more being so hangover u dont want to do anything
Sam. Gets up and makes food he walks in to  y'all's room and wakes you up
Sam. Hey  baby girl  wake up I got you some food
You what ?!?
Sam I have food
You get up and you and Sam get to work of helping Dean  to want to hang out with cas

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