Part two killing cassie (last part maybe)

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They got to the roadhouse and Sam his you so Cassie didn't want to kill you
Dean sits beside Cassie
You drag Sam into a private room
Sam what
You can we do this tonight
Sam why
You because I just don't feel good
You did just get out of the hospital so Sammy Understood and told dean to come here
Dean  what
Sam y/n dosent want to do it right now she wants to wait until we are back at the house
Dean understood
Sam now go I'm gonna take her home
Dean fine
Cassie is he ok
Dean yeah  he's fine
Cassie  is he mad because I killed his baby or his world or his everything
Dean calm down she may come out of this 
Cassie I shot her with demon angel  gun
Dean yeah yeah
Cassie and Dean go home and Cassie says that they should all sleep together in the same room
You began getting ready for the kill
You sharping your knifes
Sam hot Damm I'm dating a hottie with a body
You are you drunk
Sam maybe Cassie  gave   us drinks
You still  sharping your knifes and Dean walk in
You throw Dean his knife
Dean thanks
You let's go
The boys follow you and Dean go with the plan
Writers note
Hey so if you didn't or don't know the plan it's in the last part but screw that let's kill Cassie back to the story
Sam comes up with the rope
Dean pushes Cassie to a chair
Cassie awww you are drunk
Sam ties the rope to Cassie
Cassie  wait wait I swear
You come up and throw a knife at her heart
Cassie what how
You and this is what you get for  fucking with a demon angel
You throw a couple more and Sam finally takes your knifes away
Cassie dies a couple hours later
Your happy because you got your boys back
You Nobody fucks with my boys
You and Sam go to bed and you hear a noise and go check
What it is
Dean shit it's me it's just me y/n
Sam picks you up and takes you back to bed

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