How you and sam met

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You and Sam met in freshman year in high school you and Sam turn into friends then best friends then study friends
You invited Sam over and he had came you were doing a Tik tok with the song were just friends and you were facing Sam and you guys were going to act like you were going to kiss
Well Sam has had a crush on you since 7th grade
Sam thoughts
Time to make a move
When you look in his eyes you fell in love with him
When you guys are supposed to not kiss you end up having it witch then turns into a one night stand kinda you wake up
Your thoughts
What the hell
Did I just have a one night stand with my best friend
No no I'm crazy
Nope he shirtless
Damm it me
Sam wakes up and pulls you back into bed
You and him watch that tik tok
Your only a freshman and you have hook up with your best friend
Your mom kicks you out and you know Sam has his own place so you and Sam move in together and try to stay separated
Sam hey
You nope we are not repeating history
You and Sam go to school and you try to forget all of this when you see Sam get hurt and you run over to him
You in freshman year
Sam Sammy Sammy
Sam you do love me
You smack Sam and get up
You you had me worry sick
Sam haha
Sam later stops by your locker and kisses you
You I know I'm yours
Sam that's right your mine
Let's go home
Sam let's get merry
You let not get ahead of us jerk
Sam bitch

The next day
You look at that tik Tok and say Damm why did I push him away  you knew it was three am but you needed your Sam fix you need someone
You go into Sam room and he is alseep
You sneak  to your side of the bed and fall asleep next to him
He wakes you up around four am
Sam y/n you what are you doing
You I need you
Sam I figured you would
Sam reaches over and you come closer
Sam I love you
You I love you too
You kiss Sam
Sam you watch that tik Tok again didn't you
You maybe
Sam I knew you would
You I was trying to figure out what went wrong
Sam remembers he kissed you and you fell on the bed and he climbed on to you and you forgot about your phone and  made love to Sam and lost your v card
You fall asleep in Sam arms

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