Dean hang out with cas please

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Sam called dean and dean declined his call

Sam this son of a bitch
You just don't worry about it let dean be
Sam I would but cas is worry that Cassie is going to kill me if I don't get dean to hang out
Cas calls you
You hang on
You answer
You hey cas
Cas hey is dean there
You no cas
Sam cas dean keeps not answering
Cas gets upset and. Hangs up
You know Sam is upset so you walk over and get in his lap  and you too cuddle
Cas shows up at y'all's door and you go damm this bitch
You open the door
Sam stilled passed out on the Couch
You what cas
Cas I want dean to hang out
You we can't get ahold of him how  bout you go to there house
Cas that's a good  idea bye y/n
You bye

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