part one broken

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As Sam lends over you he preying that you will wake up
Dean paceing back and forth
Dean come on y/n
Dean goes back to the  bunker to see what he can find
Dean naturally fines Cassie looking so proud of herself
Sam back at the hospital
Sam laying in your hospital bed playing with your hair
Sam I will say anything to keep you close to me
Sam I got my shit together just wake up for the life of our relationship
Sam  I push my pride out of the way  to make a  girl like you want to say
Dean back where the bunker use to be
Dean what the hell
Cassie I told you I would kill her so we could be together with our music blasting in the morning us waking up Sam
Dean your sweet but psycho
Dean I told you to be nice  make a girl like her want to stay
Sam back at the hospital
Sam dozing off when you wake up gasping for  air 
Sam shhhhh your ok
Your instincts want to fly away but your heart says stay and defend sam and Dean
You go to the Roadhouse and plan on how to get Cassie dead
Dean meets you and Sam at some little  small town restaurant 
You she gonna die
Dean fine by me
Sam hell yeah she about to die
You good now that we are on the same page
Step one get Cassie to the Roadhouse
Step two Dean you get her busy
Step three Sam you come behind her and tie her to the chair
Step  four I come behind her with Ellen's homemade holy water that works and hurts like hell to me
Step five Dean you stab her and well we move I got a house
Dean wow your fast with plans
Sam let's go
You grap the paper and follow the boys

To be continued

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