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Blaring lights and beams shot across the sky ahead of me as I slowed down to watch it. My gaze quickly fell upon someone who was pretty small as they were quite far away from me, battling somebody else. Once I saw this, I rushed towards them as fast as I could whilst holding my right fist out in front of me. I tensed up my hand as an orb appeared on the top of my hand. Plates of black and purple extended out from the orb and moved around my hand, creating a glove. I summoned my wings as I took off into the air, slowing down when I spotted someone familiar on the ground.

I landed next to them as they smiled. "Yuki? I didn't expect you to be here for another day." The crimson haired girl spoke as I shook my head. "The train took less time that expected. But anyway, who is Issei fighting?" I asked the girl as she peered up. "A fallen from the Kaos Brigade." She informed me as I took a deep breath. "I'll go assist him." I spoke softly to the girl as I took off into the air. I stuck my arm towards the boy who was closest to me, Issei. "Sacred gear: cloning!" My glove called as a large crimson gauntlet appeared on my left arm. "Boost!" It called out as I shot past the boy to the Kaos Brigade member. "Take this!" I called as I struck them with a punch that had all my weight behind it. The momentum threw the fallen angel backwards as I punched at them a second time. They stuck their arms in the way to block another punch but I shot past them. I span around whilst raising my leg, and bought it down into the back of them, causing them to be thrown at immense speeds to the ground.

I began to create a sphere of energy in my hand and threw it in front of me. I proceeded to punch the sphere, turning it into Issei's dragon shot attack. "Boost!" The sphere, which had now turned into a magic beam, launched towards the ground right at the fallen angel. They jumped backwards and sent 3 light spears at me. I parried 2 of them away and managed to grasp ahold of the third one. "Transfer!" Issei's gauntlet called out as the spear began to grow in size. I launched it back at the man, with it moving so fast it seemed to teleport. The spear struck the floor and created a massive explosion, launching the man up into the air. I launched a bolt of energy forward which forked through the air until it struck the fallen angel, throwing him backwards. He stuck both his arms towards me as multiple spears launched back at me.

I boosted myself forward off the first one and used my wings as a speed boost. I swerved between the spears and caused my fist to glow with a black aura. "Take this!" I called out as I punched him whilst he was mid air. Pain then shot through my left hip as I coughed up blood. I peered down, grasping ahold of a spear which had stabbed through me. It vanished as a burning sensation shot through my body, causing me to lose balance and control of my flight. As I slowly began to fall down towards the floor, I noticed someone else, a second fallen angel.

Everything was spinning, yet I managed to keep myself up in the air. I took deep breaths as I spotted my glove and Issei's gauntlet were beginning to extend up my arms. They seemed to cover my whole body in a layer of armour. "Balance Breaker!" They both called out as I peered at my hands. I proceeded to launch back up towards the 2 figures, as I had managed to gain a boost in my energy. I created a sphere of energy and threw it forward, causing it to explode just ahead of the closest fallen angel. She was launched away from me and I launched a dragon shot at her. "What? How do you possess my abilities?" The original fallen angel asked angrily, causing me to chuckle. "I borrowed them from you." I spoke as I flew into his face. "Boost." I kicked him to the side, launching him away from me. "2v1?" I muttered to myself as I watched the woman lunge at me out of the corner of my eye, using her spear as a joust. I launched backwards which caused her to slow down to attempt to turn, allowing me to grab the spear from her. I span it around and threw it back at her, piercing right through her chest. I raised my hand and took a deep breath. "Drain!" My glove called out as a light surrounded both my and the woman.

"If I drain your energy, that attack would finish you!" I called as I began to grow stronger due to the energy I took from her. "Boost." The man then charged at me, and I stuck my arm up. He grasped my wrist and then launched himself away from me. A strange band made of glowing symbols appeared around my wrist as he laughed. "I've turned you into a bomb, so prepare to meet your end." He spoke boastfully as I smirked. "Sure." I muttered to myself as he clicked his fingers. The symbols began to glow even harsher as I placed my hand on my wrist. "I'm risking it all...Diffusion." I whispered as the explosion sent smoke around me. The man stared towards the smoke in anticipation, whilst I was left pretty much unharmed, and was using the smoke for cover.

I swung my arm ahead, which caused the cloud to split in half, revealing me floating in the middle. "That's a nice attack you've taught me, as long as I get a touch on you, I can turn you into a bomb?" I asked as I pointed towards him. "How...did you stop my attack?" He spoke worried as I showed him my wrist. "I negated it, but I still did take a very small amount of damage if that makes you feel any better about yourself!" I called out as I quickly flew forward using my wings to boost me. He slowly fell backwards towards the ground to try and evade me, but I grabbed him by the neck. A band appeared around his neck and I let go of him. I then created another band by grabbing his arm. I threw him towards the ground and pointed Issei's gauntlet at them. "The amount of strength they have determines the strength of the explosion, or at least that's what I've gathered about your attack, so this is the end for you!" I called out as I stuck my arm towards them. "Transfer!" Issei's gauntlet called out as I clicked my fingers. 2 massive explosions were set off, causing me to slowly float backwards from the air pushing me. All of the trees were pushed around, and leaves scattered through the air. I felt as if my body had been drained of all its energy, and the armour began to disappear into stardust. I fell towards the ground, blacking out.

The Forgotten Dragon - Highschool DxD FanFiction [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now