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At the end of the meeting, a massive circle had been drawn, which allowed us to all stand on it. As we all stood there, a blinding light surrounded us, and vanished almost instantly. As the light died down, we were shown a new area, one which didn't look familiar at all. We were surrounded by buildings, and a deafening roar sounded. I span around, spotting a massive beast which seemed to be making its way towards our vicinity. "Everyone get ready, this is were we risk our lives." Azazel spoke out as I drew Kusanagi. "Issei, how about a little competition between us dragon emperors?" I asked him as I peered towards Vali. "Go on." Vali spoke as he stepped over.

"If one of us take down Trihexa, I say they should be treated to a meal, which is paid for by the other 2 emperors." I proposed the idea as Vali smiled. "Free food, why not?" He spoke as Issei's eyes lit up. "A competition, this will help prove just how strong I am." He spoke as he peered towards the beast. "But we still work as a team." I continued as they nodded. Xenovia then stepped over to us and peered at Kusanagi. "Using a holy sword, are you going to be ok?" She asked as I nodded. "Of course, if anything it's going to be fun." I spoke happily as she nodded. "Of course." She muttered as I then peered at Azazel. "Time to get moving everyone, this beast isn't going to fight itself!" Azazel called as everyone began to rush forward, launching attacks at it suddenly. I created my wings and slowly took off into the air, flying towards the beast.

Without hesitation, the beast fired a burst of 3 fireballs towards everybody. I sped up until I was flying past people towards the front. I caught 1 of the fireballs and span around whilst holding it. "Take this!" I called as I launched the attack back, with even more speed and power than it had before. The fireball struck Trihexa, causing it to stumble backwards and become unbalanced. Everyone seemed to focus their attacks on it's other leg, until it was thrown backwards to the floor. Attacks continued to rain from the sky, yet Trihexa seemed to remain completely unharmed. The beast then seemed to float back up to his feet, staring down everyone who had attacked it.

The beast continued to bombard us with fireballs, and seemed to be pushing us back. "Yuki?" Issei called out as he flew over to me. "What's up?" I asked him as he peered around. "Have you seen Ophis?" Issei asked me as I thought for a second. "Actually, I don't recall seeing her at all. Is there something she needed to do?" I asked Issei who nodded. "She was supposed to strengthen me up with her infinity blessing, but she's just vanished." Issei spoke worried as I took a deep breath. "You carry on fighting with Trihexa and I'll check the streets and buildings for her." I tried to reassure him as he nodded.

I slowly floated down towards the ground, scouting the area around the fight. Without hesitation, I bought my wings back onwards and quickly fell towards the ground. At the last second, I used my wings to catch myself before touching down on a solid surface. "Ophis?" I called out as I peered into all the windows. "Where do I even start? There's nobody here except us, and there's far too much land to cover." I muttered to myself as I peered down an alleyway. "Ophis?" I repeated myself as I spotted a strange light which was around a corner in the alleyway. I quickly sprinted down it and once I reached the corner, the light had vanished. I turned and headed down further, hoping to find more clues. My body forcefully came to a stop, my gaze falling upon a strange magic circle ahead of me. It had strange runes written around its edge, and seemed to give off a strange intimidating feeling. I slowly stepped towards the circle, only to feel the air around me being sucked in. "This is a portal?" I muttered as I was slowly dragged closer towards it. The portal was slowly dragging me in, which caused me to look back up at Trihexa. "They'll be fine." I spoke as I took a deep breath. I quickly dived into the portal, and everything turned dark.

Everything and nothing. I came to and noticed I was floating in the middle of what looked like space. My body seemed fatigued, even though I had used barely any magic, and I was stuck with this strange feeling i couldn't shake off. "Ophis?" I attempted to call out, only to find myself completely mute. I slowly span around, and there sat a massive circle of blinding white light. That's when I spotted something else, Great Red. The true dragon emperor is what someone would call it. My body seemed to float towards the creature in its own, until I assume I had moved to close to the white light. My body seemed to tense up as I was completely surrounded by the light.

I slowly opened my eyes, finding myself to be staring up at the sky. I groaned as I sat up, looking at my hands. "Was that a dream?" I muttered to myself. "You're finally awake, took you long enough." A girl spoke out to me, and I turned to face her. "Ophis? Where are we?" I asked as I peered at the red ground which surrounded us. "On the back of Great Red, we found you in the Dimensional Gap and decided to take you back to the battlefield." Ophis spoke softly as I peered ahead, spotting Trihexa in the distance. "So what are we going to do?" I asked Ophis as she took a deep breath. "I need to boost Issei, and Big Red said he was going to help us. Probably just to prove just how powerful yet childish he is." Ophis informed me as I smirked. "Hey, at least I decided to help you." Big Red spoke frustratedly and I looked around, it was like he was using telepathy. "Get ready, we're nearly there." Big Red informed us as I nodded, causing my wings to reappear.

Quickly, I took off, followed by Ophis. We were making our way over quickly, but we weren't quick enough. Within the blink of an eye, Trihexa swung his arm and swatted someone out of the sky.

The Forgotten Dragon - Highschool DxD FanFiction [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now