Chapter 1 Who is She?

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POV Percy

Yows, so my name is Percy you may think that I'm a boy actually I'm a girl with a boys name.

So first, let me tell you a story... Of course this is why you're reading it.

First day of school, my last year in high school so I planned not to waste any moment of it. We went to our designated classrooms awaiting our adviser for the year. We heard that she's a terror teacher because she was our teacher last year and yeah.... You can guess why she gave low grades to the students! And now, we're afraid that rumors are true. So we're sitting here waiting for him or her to arrive.

Few moments later the adviser arrived....

"Good morning class!" The adviser excitedly greeted. "Some of you already know me for you were my students last year. But for those who do not my name is Ms. Sarah let's have a great year!"

I over heard a classmate saying. "Alright... so classmates we are not allowed to be late anymore hahahah." He said sarcastically.

All of us laughed and terrified at the same time, hours passed and its finally our break time. I met with my friends from the other sections and they kept asking who our adviser is and if we're okay. Well of course not! She's one of the reasons I lost interest in reviewing on her subj. for exams! Why?! That's because the reviewers she gives weren't even the exams! What the heck man!

Anyways they laughed at me and kept saying 'good luck' and 'we'll pray for your well being' wow I have nice friends..

Breaktime was done and we proceed to our designated classrooms again. Ms. Sarah asked us to get a paper. So yeah, I got a paper and played with it while she discusses something about the school rules? Which we already knew since we have our handbooks. I played with the paper and it flew to my seat mate which I quickly grabbed it.

I said sorry to my seat mate and a girl from the front look at me and giggled at my antics. She was beautiful with her smile on, I smiled back and she just nodded and continued to listen to Ms. Sarah which I also followed.

'what's her name'

'why haven't I seen her before?'

This questions kept running through my mind

However I kept looking at her she was just listening but she looks amazing. I rubbed the thought off and just listened to my teacher talking.

"Okay class! Let's play!" Ms. Sarah said.

The students were happy because they were jealous at the other classes who were shouting and having fun.

Ms. Sarah continued. "We're going to play a memorizing game! The rubrics for this game is to memorize the students name and his/her hobbies. Or something that tells about him or her, its up to you."

The students happiness turned into disappointment in an instant. Well who doesn't, we'll be using our minds in the first day of school.

So a student started. "My names is Bill, and I love to sing."

And a student followed. "My name is Rose, and I love art." She looked at the teacher and saw her pointing, she continued. "Her name is Bill and he loves to sing"

The game continued, until one voice caught my attention. "Hi my name is Emilyn, and I have an allergy in alcohol." She states and recites the other students names and hobbies.

After a few students it was my turn. I quickly stood up and said. "Hi I'm Percy a girl with a boys name hahaha, and I love to play badminton." I stuttered while saying the students name because I wasn't really paying attention.

So after that the worse is over, my turn was done. So yeah, usual stuffs happened the teacher gave us free time but we didn't use it because some of us doesn't even know each other.

I know its boring so just keep reading.

Lunch break passed, Ms. Sarah continued with her discussion about our handbooks and eventually it was dismissal! My friends and I gathered and went home and told about our day. And I was looking forward to see my crush Robin! So yeah... I saw him with his friends going home so I was satisfied for the day.

The orientation went on... and the teacher gave us our seating arrangement for the pre-lims of the first semester. I was at the end with the window by my side. I look at our surroundings I saw Emilyn sat at the second row at the middle.

Time passed our subj. teachers greeted us one by one some were cool some were not.  One teacher asked us to go to the computer lab by last names to create our account so that we can take quizzes there.

In my left was Rose and in my right was Emilyn, I was nervous I didn't know why but I was nervous maybe because of this! Why should we take quizzes in the comp. lab and use papers for our quizzes! I have a bad feeling about this....

I created an acco- WHAT?! My comp. suddenly shut down how unlucky am I? I turned on my comp. and I don't know the site I stared at it for a moment and eventually Emilyn spoke.

"Hey um you just need to press this." She pointed out.

I sighed in relief. "um, thank you.... Emilyn?" I pretended not to know her name so that we can continue to talk.

"Yeah, Percy right?" She asked.

"Yups!" I smiled.

Awkward silence filled in, and eventually the class ended and we have to return to our classroom. The day ended, I spot Robin once again with his girlfriend. Hmmm, tell me again how did I had a crush on this guy? But whateves I don't really care hahahhaha. But Emilyn was fascinating, I want to be her friend!

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