The unknown words (edited)

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The morning approached Hastinapur steadily. As the sun rose, citizen started to get back to their respective work, leaving the melancholy night behind. The drizzling rain washed the dust of memories away, the crisp sunsrays announced every exhausted soul to wake up and begin the art of living. Uttara was sitting in her chamber after the daily pooja at the nearby temple.
Uttara got heavily tired nowadays after the any kind of energy consuming tasks. She often fell sick and tiredness didn't want to leave her body.
Little Parikshrit came running in her kaksh and said, "Mata, Mata look what I have found! "

Uttara's stance was broken. She lazily took the thing from his hand.
'It's a book, no no no---- it's a diary' , she murmured.

It was an old and leather-bound diary. Thin layer of dust adorned its surface. She slowly opened it. In the first page a name was written in bold letters, 'Abhimanyu'.....

She was taken aback and examined the diary. She opened the first page and realized that it was her husband's diary. She wasn't aware of this diary and she had never known that her husband used to write a diary. 
She asked Parikshrit, "Where did you find this diary?"

Parikshrit replied excitedly, " From the store room. It is really a beautiful book Mata. The hand writing is really very pretty. But I don't know whose this. Do you know Mata?"

Her eyes watered as she kept staring down at the diary, his diary. With heavy heart she caressed the diary, trying to feel Abhimanyu's touch. The diary had his smell, his touch and soon she realized this diary also had his voice who could tell her about him, about so many things she didn't know. So many unknown words that I didn't know..............

A strange excitement enclosed her, she wanted to know his untold feelings that she hadn't have enough time to understand.

" What happened Mata? Why are you crying?" Parikshrit asked, tensed to see tears in his mother's eyes.
"Y-yes.. "

Suddenly, Mata Subhadra came," Putra, you are here. I am searching you in the whole Mahal. Let's go son it's your time for practice, your grandfather is waiting . "

Parikshrit ran out of the room as soon as he heard her. He was well aware of how much his Grandfather Arjuna was strict, he would definitely punish him if he didn't arrive in time. Subhadra giggled at his antics and also ran behind her grandson. He was the only reason for her smile, she had always felt the presence of her own son around him.

She took her sit on her bed with the diary in her hand. After so many years she got something which she would call a perfect gift, the most precious thing in her life. She could feel the smell of him which was calling her to open it and see what he had written for her.

Diary:-(Abhimanyu's pov)

'My father have finally arrived after thirteen years. Jesth Mata Draupadi and my four uncles were in Matsya desh. My father came here in Dwarka to take us with him. Finally I can spend time with my family. I'm really excited to them, to meet my brothers, uncles and aunts. However my father had declared a shocking decision that I am unable to comprehend. I can't marry before the war. They have to understand this. I can't let anyone suffer for me. It will be injustice for the rajkumari. "

Uttara turned the page,

'I saw her today, the princess of Matsya, my would be wife. She is beautiful, more beautiful than I thought.  I saw her today for the first time and I can't understand what is happening to me. It is a new feeling, a different feeling and an unknown feeling. I wonder whether I deserve her or not.'

She stopped for a while. She was recollecting the memories of their first meeting. The day from where their story started...........

FLASHBACK (6 years ago)

"Decorate the Matsya Kingdom. Today is the most pleasant day of my life. My would be son-in-law is coming. Minister donate some gold among the poor. I'm happy today and I want to share this happiness with my people.", said Maharaj Virat.

Minister replied, "Okay, My Lord. "

The whole Mahal was busy in decorations and preparation, they had started to decorate the palace like a bride. There was happiness everywhere, people rejoiced for their beloved Princess who was going to be married soon.

However the concerned person for whom everything was happening, Rajkumari of Matsya was napping quietly in her chamber.

Maharani Sudeshna came, "Uttara You are sleeping now! How many times I told you to wake up early in morning. Your marriage is going to held next week and you are sleeping peacefully.
When would you become sincere? "

Uttara groaned and drew a pillow over her face in response.
Sudeshna ordered, " Wake up now."

"Mata please, five minutes more ", Uttara replied, and yawned softly before going back to her sleep.

Sudeshna said, "Wake up my child. Today Dwarka Naresh Shri Krishna, Rajkumari Subhadra and Rajkumar Abhimanyu is coming. They will arrive soon. You should get ready now. Rajkumari Subhadra will want to see you and you also have to go infront our guests and seek their blessings."

Now Uttara got up and sat beside her bed. She didn't know what was happening with her. She was anxious about this whole marriage thing. She had known that a day would come when she would have to marry but that day would come so soon and unexpectedly.

She got ready and wore a beautiful lahenga. She had to wear heavy jewellery which she didn't like at all. Suthanu entered her chamber. They had arrived from Panchal earlier.
She said, "Wow you are looking so beautiful! "

"Thanks ", Uttara replied shyly.

After some time they got the news that the expected guest had arrived. Her nervousness grew more as she heard the news. Her cheeks adorned a shade of red and her heart started to beat in abnormal speed.

Few moments later, a woman came in her chamber. She was Subhadra, Abhimanyu's mother. Uttara and Suthanu took her blessing. Subhadra said, " So you are Uttara. You are so pretty. I knew that Draupadi Jiji and Arya had chosen the right girl for my Abhimanyu."

Uttara blushed as Draupadi came and asked," You all are standing here. Subhadra, take our bahu to the hall. She have to take the blessings of Govind and other guests."

"Yes Jiji", Subhadra replied. They all departed towards the hall along with Uttara.

Uttara took blessings from all the elders. Abhimanyu was standing with his brothers. Uttara didn't have the courage to glance at him even for once. After the initial formal greetings, everyone started to proceed for the feast.

Uttara felt someone's strong gaze on her, she very attentively looked up to find a pair of dark eyes stared at her. His eyes were dark yet a youthful charm danced in them. She shuddered a little as she noticed that those eyes belonged to Abhimanyu. She quickly looked away and a hue spread across her cheeks. She saw him for the first time yet she felt like she had known him for years. He was handsome, more than she ever thought. His youthful charm could sway any princess away.

On the other hand Abhimanyu just couldn't  remove his eyes from Uttara. A small smile tugged on his lips as he caught her looking at him. She was pretty yet the thing which caught his attention was her innocence. Her doe like eyes contained the pure and raw innocence which mesmerized him. 

However their little moment got disturbed by their siblings and cousins as they teased the soon to be groom and bride.

Flashback ends..

Those were the most amazing days in her life.
That day their story had started. They realized that love can happen in just few moments.

So guys here is the second part.
I hope you all will like it.
Next part is coming soon. Please don't forget to vote and comment......

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