The marriage

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Uttara's pov:-
I am sitting on my bed recollecting all the memories of our first promise that I had given him. Parikshrit entered in my kaksh and jumped on the bed. He suddenly hugged me.
I asked, "What do you want? Oh I guess you have done another mischief today."
"No mata I didn't do anything.", Parikshrit said.
I also hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead. My son, my husband's last sign.........
Parikshrit, "Mata can I go to the playground. My friends are waiting for me."
"Now, it's afternoon son not evening. You should not go now. It's not the correct time for playing games."
Parikshrit,"Please Mata, please... "
I replied, "OK go but you should take permission from your grandma. "
Parikshrit replied, "OK Mata, I know she will give me permission. Bye..."
Parikshrit ran with a joy in his face.

I took the diary. I opened one of the page.....
Diary (Abhimanyu's pov)

'Today she gave me a promise that she will never stop me. I am lost to her and I can't ignore it anymore. I love her and love her more than my life. Tomorrow, our marriage will held. From tomorrow we are going to start a new life. But an unknown fear is taking place in my heart. If anything happened to me in the war then what will happen to her. I don't care of myself because I know that I have to take the revenge of my jyesth mata's humiliations. I can sacrifice my life for her. But I am just thinking about Uttara. After the six months, the war is going to take place. The war would only bring destructions. Is she is strong enough to see the deaths of her beloved peoples? I don't know. She is really very innocent and childish. Can my naive would be wife will able to tolerate the destructions of the war? I want her to give all the happiness in the world. But can I give it? This questions are constantly arising in my mind....'

Uttara was lost in her thoughts....

After the pooja, all the women were choosing the jewelry and dresses for the groom and bride. All were busy for the preparations of the wedding.

At night Uttara couldn't sleep. She was constantly thinking about Abhimanyu and their wedding. Next day she would become the wife of Maharathi Abhimanyu. She was going to start a new life..........

Next day, Abhimanyu was sitting on a bench at the garden. The dawn was still not arrived. He couldn't sleep well at night.
Meanwhile Shri Krishna came and sat beside Abhimanyu.
Shri Krishna, "What are you thinking dear? Did you sleep well at night? "
Abhimanyu, "I am not thinking anything, Mamashri."
"Don't lie to me son. You know you can't hide anything from me.", Shri Krishna said.
Abhimanyu replied, "Mamashri, if anything would happen to me in the war then what will happen to Uttara. I don't want her to suffer for me because I....."
Shri Krishna saw his sad features and said, "Because you love her and don't want to give her any sorrow."
"Yes...", Abhimanyu said.
Krishna smiled, "But why are you thinking putra that she will suffer for you. No one suffers for anyone. Love takes many sacrifices but it doesn't let anyone suffer. Yes you and Uttara have to sacrifice a lot but it doesn't mean that she will suffer for it. Remember one thing putra, love is the bond between two souls not between two persons. Humans can be killed but soul can't never be killed. Love never ends.... Even death has to lose in front of love.", They became quite for a while.
Now dawn was arrived with the first ray of sunlight.
Shri Krishna, "See my son, the rising sun. It is abolishing all the darkness of the night. With this rising sun you are also going to start a new life with new relationships, with new emotions and new sacrifices. Don't think much about future. Think about the present. Think about what can you give Uttara now....."
Abhimanyu gave a understanding smile.
After some time they went into the palace.

The wedding preparations were on its way. Guests were coming from all the parts of Aryavarta. Gifts were arriving from all the kings. The palace is busy for the great celebrations. They were donating clothes and money to the poor.

Uttara was sitting in her kaksh with a bridal look. She made to wear heavy jewellery and a beautiful red lahenga. Today she was looking more beautiful than the apsaras in heaven. After some time,Draupadi, Subhadra and Sudeshna entered the room.
Draupadi said, "Now it's time Uttara. You have to go to the wedding hall. Abhimanyu is waiting for you."
Uttara managed a smile. She became very nervous and her heart began to beat faster than usual.
All of them took Uttara towards the marriage hall.

They soon arrived in the hall. Abhimanyu was sitting on his place. As usual he couldn't remove his eyes from Uttara. Uttara was made to sit beside him. Abhimanyu gave a warm smile to her. Uttara smiled shyly. The marriage rituals ended soon.....
They started to take the blessings from the elders.
They touched the feat of Shri Krishna.
Shri Krishna, "I Bless you that this marriage will become the bond of your souls. And Abhimanyu could give all the happiness that he wanted to give you."
Flashback ends......

Uttara's pov:-
That day I became a wife. That day I became Maharathi Abhimanyu's wife, I became Abhimanyu Sangini...

So guys, here is the fourth chapter. Hope you all will like it....
Next part is coming soon.....

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