I can read you

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Uttara was recollecting the memories of their marriage.....


That day they became husband and wife. A relationship which was new for both of them. The day was passed with celebrations. All of them were really very happy, without knowing that they can never celebrate with their family like this in future. At night Uttara was sitting on her bed, waiting for Abhimanyu. Suthanu had adorned her with heavy jewellery and a beautiful pink lahenga. She was really very tired. However she was very nervous because it was her wedding night. The moon was bright that day. She stood up and went towards the balcony. She started watching the beautiful moon and the stars in night sky. The moon was shining brightly. She was lost in admiring the beauty of the moon.
Suddenly Abhimanyu entered in the room. Uttara didn't notice him. She was just looking towards the moon. Abhimanyu stood beside her looking towards the moon. Uttara now noticed him. She said, "Sorry I didn't see you... ", her voice quivered.
Abhimanyu, "It's okay. Did I complained you for anything? Why are you then saying sorry? "
"Um-I-I", Uttara's voice quivered again. She was nervous and can't speak properly. "
"Are you feeling nervous?", Abhimanyu asked.
"N-no", Uttara replied.
"Don't lie to me.", Abhimanyu murmured.
'N-no, I'm not', Uttara said nervously.
Abhimanyu, "OK, now you will tell me sorry, hhh"
Uttara remained silent. After some time Abhimanyu broke the silence, "You should sleep now, Rajkumari. You are tired. "
Uttara said, "Yes, no I am fine."
Abhimanyu smiled, "Again you are lying to me."
Uttara asked confusingly, "How could you understand that I am tired?"
Abhimanyu smiled and said, "I can read you....... "
Uttara was confused but she went to sleep.

The next morning, Abhimanyu woke up early. He saw Uttara was sleeping peacefully beside him. Uttara shifted in her sleep and turned towards Abhimanyu. Her hand fell to his chest and she settled her brow beside his shoulder. He just stayed silent. He didn't wanted to disturb her sleep. Uttara's dark hair was falling on her face. Abhimanyu brushed the curl behind her ear. He didn't like the thing that anyone should disturb his wife in her sleep, even it is a part of her.....
After few moments, he slowly stood up and went for the practice. Uttara woke up after some time and saw Abhimanyu was not there. She thought that she again made a huge mistake. She should wake up early. Now Abhimanyu would really angry with her.....

Flashback ends....

Uttara's pov:-
Draupadi  Mata called me for the evening pooja. I stood up and put the diary on the table. I went towards the temple. All of them are standing there doing the aarti. Parikshrit is in the arms of Tatshree Bheem. After the pooja, Tatshree Yudhisthira said, "Tomorrow Madhav is coming. He send a message to me." We became really very happy. After a long time he is coming.... We have our prashad...
Parikshrit came towards me. He said, "Are you okay Mata? You are looking sad today. Is everything okay?"
"Yes putra I'm fine.", I replied.
"No mata, don't lie to me. I can read you... ", Parikshrit said softly.
I can read you.... This were the words of his father and now his son is using it. For a moment I can feel that his father is present here. Tears are shedding from my eyes. I hugged my son. And the words echoed in my mind 'I can read you'......

So guys here is the fifth chapter. Hope you all will like it. Don't forget to vote and comment......
The next chapter is coming soon......

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