The Promise

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Uttara's pov:-

I'm recollecting the memories of our first meeting. Tears are rolling from my eyes.
A daasi came, "Rajkumari, Samragni Drupadi has called you for lunch. All are waiting for you. "
"OK I'm coming "
I put the diary under a pillow on my bed and rushed towards the hall for lunch.
I entered into the room. All my fathers are sitting in their places. Parikshrit is sitting on Jesth mata's lap and she is feeding him.
Pitashree Arjun asked, "Where are you, Uttara? We all were waiting for you only. You know we can't start without you. "
"I'm sorry Pitashree.", I apologize to him because I can't say why I am late today.
"Is everything okay? Are you feeling sick?", he asked on looking my sad features.
"I'm ok, Pitashree. Nothing has happened. ", I replied.
Pitashree smiled at me. I can understand that he cares about me a lot. After all, there is no one except me who calls him Pitashree after the death of his sons. Suthanu calls him Kakashri because she is the daughter of Tatshree Yudhisthir. Pitashree Arjun loves me like his own daughter.

Mata Subhadra started to serve. Mata Draupadi, "Oh, putri Uttara please take the food to Mata Gandhari's chamber. "
I nodded and took the plate. I went to the chamber of Grandma Gandhari's room. She is sitting beside her bed.
I said, "Grandma, here is your food."
Grandma Gandhari, "Keep it on the
I nodded and leaved the room. She doesn't speak much. I can feel her pain. She had seen her hundred sons death. She is now a son less mother.

After the lunch again I went to my chamber and took the diary. Memories are again flashing in my mind...........

That day they saw each other. After the dinner they went to their respective chambers. Uttara was sitting on her bed and thinking about him. She thought she was really lucky for marrying the great warrior Abhimanyu. She was lost in her thoughts. Suddenly Draupadi entered in her room. Seeing her Uttara went towards her.
Draupadi, "Putri, did you like Abhimanyu? "
She shyly replied, "Y-yes".
Draupadi, "I know, no one can dislike him. He is really a very good person. He is a good son, a good brother and would also become a good husband. Tomorrow a pooja will be held. So be ready for tomorrow. Okay now I should leave. "
Draupadi went from there and after some time Uttara slept.

Next morning, Uttara woke up early and got ready. She went towards the place where pooja was happening. All her mothers were preparing for the pooja. She saw all the brothers of Abhimanyu. However she couldn't find him. He was not there. Her eyes were searching for him but couldn't find him. She was little bit disappointed.
Meantime Suthanu came and said, "Are you searching for anyone, bhabhishree? "
"N-no", she replied bashfully.
Suthanu -"Then go to the garden. Someone is waiting for you."
Uttara asked, "Who is waiting for me?"
"I can't tell you now. Go and see.... ", Suthanu laughed and went from there.
Uttara went towards the garden. She was confused. She actually don't know who was waiting for her.
Suddenly she was pulled by a strong arm, towards the corner. Before she could react, her mouth was pressed by a palm....Yes, that was Abhimanyu.
They looked at each other's eyes. For sometime they lost in each other. After few seconds, Abhimanyu removed his palm from her mouth.
Abhimanyu, "I'm really s-sorry RajKumari. I just wanted to talk with you. And we can't talk in front of elders. So I-I.... "
Uttara replied, "it's okay but what do you want to tell me. " It was really a awkward situation for both of them but they were very happy from inside. A different feeling which they can't justify.
Abhimanyu, "I wanted to know that whether you know about the upcoming war or not. "
She replied in a sweet voice, "Yes I know. My father told me."
"After knowing all, you agree for this marriage?", he asked.
Uttara said confusingly, "Yes but is there anything for which I have to disagree?"
Abhimanyu chuckled, "No not at all."
He stopped for a while and then said, "I have to go for the war. "
Uttara thought for sometime and said, "I will never stop you. I promise........ "

Flashback ends.....

Uttara's pov:-
That was the first promise that I had given him. I would never stop him....
And I didn't stop him. I really wanted to stop him in the thirteenth day of war, but I couldn't.....
Because it's the first promise I gave him and I couldn't break this.........

So guys here is the third chapter....
Hope you all will like this and don't forget to vote and comment.... 🙂

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