The Gift

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Author's note :- Hi everyone. I'm back with Abhimanyu Sangini after a long time.

I have started a new story, “Hum Apke Hai Kon”. This is a sweet love story with the essence of family drama. So please check it out. This story is available on my new account.

Follow my new account where you will find all my fictional work.


Uttara immediately took the bath and changed into a beautiful lahenga. She ran out of the room. This was the first day after their marriage.

She knew that she was late as usual. Mata Sudeshna was definitely furious on her. She walked through the large corridor and saw some preparations were going on in the hall.

The thought struck on her mind, "I'm getting late..."

She stopped when she arrived at the hall where everyone was arranging for her post marriage rituals.

Uttara saw her mother was coming towards her and she could easily detect that she was angry. She expected from her mother to yell at her but to her surprise she didn't say anything. She held her hand and took her towards the temple. All the other ladies also came and started doing the rituals.

Her eyes searched for Abhimanyu because she wanted to apologize for her behavior in the morning. Today also she slept late. It was a bad impression on the first day, wasn't it?

She saw up pandav but couldn't find him. Suthanu came from behind and whispered in her ears, "What? Can't wait to see my bhrata? "

Heat rose on Uttara's cheeks. She blushed profusely, "No its–"

"Uttara putri", Draupadi called her. She went towards her and she asked her to do a small ritual.

After some time, Subhadra asked, "Jiji where is Abhimanyu? We need him for the next ritual."

Shrutkarma answered, "Bhrata shri is coming. He is just–"

He couldn't finish his sentence when Abhimanyu appeared with a warm smile, "I'm here Mata."

Subhadra narrowed her eyebrows, "Where you have gone in early morning?"

"Sorry mata, I'm just practicing sword. ", he replied

"okay. Now don't waste time. Come putra complete the ritual.", Draupadi said.

Abhimanyu came and stood beside Uttara. She was looking continuously on him but when his eyes fell on her, she removed her eyes. He chuckled softly.

After all the rituals they went to the dinning hall for the breakfast. Uttara started helping her mothers in the kitchen. After all she had to cook a sweet dish for all the family members. All the men settled at there respective places. She served them with the help of her mothers.

In the evening of that day

Abhimanyu was standing at the balcony of his chamber. He was looking at the stars which were twinkling in the night sky. His love for the stars was from his childhood. Mamashri Krishna always says that life is something like stars. Just like stars people also have their own lights but few peoples are able to show it. The light is that honestly and kindness which makes us bright in the night sky. Abhimanyu also could relate this.

Abhimanyu's musings were disturbed when he heard that someone was entering the room. He turned and saw his wife. She came closer and stated, "Everyone is waiting for you for the dinner. "

Although she could see almost no expression on his face but she could see a small smile tugged on his face.

"Okay", he replied.

Uttara nodded and turned to leave. But stopped when he heard him saying, "Wait a minute. I wanted to talk to you for something."

Her body stiffened up and he could feel her tension. He knew that she didn't yet become comfortable with him.

"Yes? " she asked hesitantly.

He held her hand and made her sit on a sofa. He then sat in front of her and held her left foot. She flinched backward and immediately removed her foot from his hold.

Abhimanyu narrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What happened?"

"Please don't touch my feet.", she blurted out. "I will get a sin."

For a moment, he looked at her in confusion but then realized what she was trying to tell.

"Hmm then it's okay to gain a sin for your husband." he said jokingly.

He saw her confused look and laughed heartily, "This is not true. Nothing happens Uttara. Just give me your foot. I have something for you."

She didn't do anything. How could she allow her husband to touch her foot.

Abhimanyu again held her foot and tied a beautiful anklet around her ankle.

Flashback ends.

Uttara was watching the anklets blankly. The same anklets her husband had gifted her. She could feel the same laughter which he had heard from him that day. The first gift which he had given her. This was so special for her, her one of the treasure.

Hope you all will like it. Do vote and comment. And a very Happy Navratri to you all....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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