The Son Of Lycaon

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My first one-shot:

Chapter 1: The son of Lycaon (Part 1)

Immediately the scent of blood reached his nose, the young wolf's ears perked, and his black eyes lit up.

The wolf's lips curled maliciously, and he released a loud howl, which pierced the air, cutting through the serene environment and calling the rest of his pack to him.

The young wolf bounded through the forest, the scent of pine stinging his nose. His features shifted as he run, morphing into his hybrid form.

It was easier to run with human legs, though his keen sense of smell abandoned him. But his eyes didn't fail him, because at that moment, he caught sight of dried blood in the snow and on the trees, and his half human, half wolf form became excited.

His black tail swished wildly behind him, as his human feet pattered on the snow. His black wolf ears, which were sticking on top of his midnight black hair, twitched to find any sound.

As he ran, he unsheathed his claws from their prison in this meat sack, itching to get them on his prey.

Tiny fangs protruded from his bared teeth as he followed the trail of the blood, his need becoming more and more urgent.

The hybrid leaped out of the trees and landed in a clearing.

His feet shuffled in the snow as he took in the sight before him.

Ten girls wearing silver parkas, came tees, black tights, and combat boots, were being attacked by a pack of werewolves. They each held silver bows, and had a quiver of silver arrows slung on their shoulders.

The nearest to him had spiky black hair, electric blue yes, and pale skin. She was dressed differently from the others, in a leather jacket, ripped black jeans, and a pink shirt, which said DEATH TO BARBIE.

She wore a circlet of silver on her head, and the wolf guessed that she was the lieutenant.

She held a spear, which had electricity racing down it, and the hybrid decided he did not want to be on the receiving end of that stick.

Her bronze shield was a replica of Athena's aegis, and the wolf flinched involuntarily when the face of Medusa came into focus, He quickly looked away, and as he did so, his eyes met that of another huntress.

She was in the middle of battle with the largest werewolf, who the boy guessed was the Alpha. She had mesmerizing silver eyes, and long, beautiful auburn hair. Her pale skin glowed in the moonlight. She looked eighteen tops, and she seemed to be injured. There was a knife wound in her side, which tainted her silver attire olden. She grimaced as if every step hurt.

The wolf hybrid bared his teeth when he realized who it was.

The goddess Artemis was gravely injured.

The wolf couldn't comprehend how this pack had attacked and injured the moon goddess. He was torn between whether to help the huntress, who had sent many werewolves into extinction, or to join this random pack and kill her.

This wasn't his pack that was for sure. He guessed it was one of those minor wolf packs, which had been rivals with his for years.

He saw the lead wolf, the Alpha; send the goddess into a tree. She was injured, so her movements were sluggish.

His heart pounded in rage as he saw the beautiful goddess slam into a tree. Curse his childish thoughts; Artemis was his pack's rival. He wasn't supposed to think of her as beautiful.

He thought of what his father would want him to do in this situation.

Surely, Lycaon would want the honors of killing the moon goddess himself. He wouldn't like it if his son came back with reports that another pack had killed the goddess.

The hybrid made his decision. He would help the hunters.

The wolf raced forward, towards the first enemy in his path. With a swing of his left hand, his claws tore through its muzzle, sand his other hand ripped out its heart from its chest.

The hybrid leaped towards another enemy wolf, slashing upwards, and severing its tendons from its neck. He raced forward, becoming a blur as he cut down wolf upon wolf in his path.

As he ran, his bones cracked and shifted, excruciating pain racing up his body, until he was back in a familiar form- a midnight black wolf.

He leaped onto the nearest wolf, tearing its throat out. He was off the corpse in an instant, snapping his teeth at the feet of another, and causing it to collapse onto its back. He dug his claws into the stunned wolf's chest, piercing its heart in the process, Leaping off the lifeless body and rocketing towards the Alpha.

The lead wolf hadn't noticed him, and was advancing on the startled and stunned goddess. The black wolf morphed human as he ran for them. His eyes caught sight of the lieutenant leading the other girls to take care of the other wolves.

The hybrid leaped up, crashing into the Alpha, just as he raised a claw to strike Artemis.

The two wolves tumbled in the snow, and the boy involuntarily turned back into his wolf form, leaping off the other, and taking a stance.

The alpha wolf prepared to pounce, and snarled at the black wolf.

The hybrid bared his teeth, and he began circling his enemy, searching for weak points.

The two wolves vaulted into the air at the same time, becoming a whirl of fangs and claws, and trying to claw each other's eyes out and shred each other's faces.

The black wolf finally managed to catch the Alpha in the chest with a slash.

When his enemy fell, he descended on him, digging his claws into the Alpha's shoulders, and pinning him to the ground.

The Alpha squirmed and writhed, trying to break free. He snarled again (He seemed to be very good at that), and stared back defiantly at the wolf.

The black wolf didn't give the Alpha a chance to react. He descended on his adversary, his jaws clamping over his throat. The wolf tore out, killing the Alpha in one fluid motion.

When he was sure the Alpha was dead, the wolf morphed into his hybrid form, to find that he was completely surrounded by hunters, with silver arrows notched at him.

Silver, the only weapon deadly to wolves.

He growled under his breath. Of course they would try to kill him for saving them. He should have expected that. They were the Hunters of Artemis.

"Permission to kill, Milady?" The lieutenant asked. "I recognize him. He's Lycaon son."

"No, Thalia," The goddess motioned for the hunters to lower their weapons.

"What is your name, son of Lycaon?"

He looked uncertain, but then he built up his confidence. "Perseus. Perseus Jackson."

The goddess nodded. "I shall be merciful this time, for you have saved my hunters. But the next time I see you, son of Lycaon, I shall overlook that fact."

He bared his teeth, growling.

"Now, go!" The goddess ordered. "Before I change my mind."

Perseus, eyeing the silver weapons, decided it would not be wise to argue.

He turned slowly, and bounded into the forest, his features shifting into that of the wolf.

He would be back with the rest of his father's pack. And he would kill that nasty lieutenant himself.

The Hunters of Artemis wouldn't know what hit them. They would be wiped off the surface of the earth on their next meeting.

He smiled sadistically as he went deeper into the forest, the trees swallowing his figure, and shrouding him in darkness.

J'ai Fini.

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My old account, Yournormalpjofanboy, was hacked, so this is my new account. Thanks for your support. 

Peace, Yournormalpjofan.

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