Chapter 15 "Prince Arius III"

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Perplexed as I was, I bend my knee to the ground and payed my utmost respects to Randall, the true heir, though everything wasn’t clear enough, then I said, “forgive my ignorance My Prince, if only I knew” as the others followed the gesture and knelt after me.

“Arise Vigo, no one truly knew but a few” Randall responded kindly. “I know you have many thoughts in your mind right now but rest assured you’ll know everything soon enough.” He added.

Wayland phased around, trading glances with his people, pointed his arms on Randall and said aloud, “This man in front of you is the one who will end this reign of terror!, the last living child of the late King Arius II, and brother to the late Queen Arenina, Prince Arius III!”

Everyone gathered around Randall waiting for their turn to kiss his hand for a blessing, naturally they will kiss the royal ring he wears but not this time for he doesn’t wear one, this is a traditional custom for a royal nobility and commoners in the kingdom.

I went back to the group and saw how perplexed Yves and Harriet as I was with this sudden tidings.

“All this time he was the prince we’ve been trying hard to look for and he was once just right under our noses.” Harriet said with vague expressions.

“Surely he still knows us.”, Yves responded.

“I can’t wait to know the truth about him, the things that happened to him these past few years.”, Harriet said.

“Aye, me too.”, I said.

“My Prince, let us head to the cove to further discuss whatever plans you might you have for us.”, Wayland said to Randall.

Randall nodded as he waved his leave to the others, you can clearly see hope brimming in their faces.

Petronella was a few paces away from us as she gestured us to follow them to the cove.

“You really have built a good hiding place around here.”, Randall said to Wayland as they are making the climb to the wooden ladders up to the tree huts.

“In these dire times, no one can be very careful My Prince.”, Wayland responded in kind.

“In truth, I’ve never really been accustomed to being addressed formally.”, Randall said as he softly chuckles.

“I do hope you can get accustomed to it My Prince, this is just the beginning.”, Wayland responded smiling.

“He we are.”, Wayland added as we reached the cove.

“After you My Prince.” Wayland said to Randall as Randall entered the cove, followed by Wayland and his council.

We entered last.

Inside, the space was generous, well illuminated by the candles, there were no chairs but only a round table sitting at the middle, just at knee height. The map of Arzenia Kingdom is intricately carved at the center of the table, surprisingly precise in detail, even my home village Hyacinth was there.

Petronella approached Wayland to introduce us, specially Harriet.

“Wayland, these people are the remainder of the south brigade with Harriet here as their leader.” Petronella said to Wayland.

“My apologies, I haven’t had the chance to recieve you formally.” Wayland responded. “You probably know who I am, your presence here surely lifts our morale, please do treat this brigade as your own.”

“The honor is ours.” Harriet replied gladly though she knew not of the man Wayland is.

Harriet then shifts her attention to Randall.

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